Title: A Time Limited Life
Pairing: Woogyu
Genre: Angst, drama
Rating: PG -13
Warning: Yaoi, heavy angst
Sunggyu and Woohyun are in the perfect relationship, joined by their mutual love for music, late night coffee sessions and for each other.
When their relationship starts falling apart and Woohyun walks away, the clock starts ticking.
Will Woohyun learn to appreciate what he has before him, or will it be too late? Can Sunggyu find it within himself to get back on his feet, or will he break down, a broken man after his ruined relationship?
For both Sunggyu and Woohyun, it’s a desperate race against time.
More and more as time passes by, I can feel the cracks in my heart spreading.
More and more, I’m suffocating in our forgotten memories.
Things will never be the same, can you hear me?
I was stuck in an illusion of our love, so afraid of losing you and you left me.
I’m going crazy with every beat of the clock; your charming eyes are stealing looks into my heart and I know. I know that it’s a heart with no feelings ever since you left.
I’m breaking apart silently and I don’t think my eyes will stay open for much longer.
Even though I pray, and I wish, over and over, time doesn’t stop, and you don’t turn this way.
My mournful eyes are watching you and even so, I’ll keep waiting for you.
I’m living a time limited life and already the seconds are running out...