What a shitty, shitty week.

Jun 28, 2007 17:20

Monday: There's no-one to run cameras for the midday news! Seems to be turning into kind of a weekly thing, so I deal with it.
Tuesday: I wake up at 2am to news that Chris Benoit is dead, having hung out with him before and after a Smackdown in Nov. 2005, I was understandably upset.  Then I read an update outlining the double-murder suicide aspect of the story.  I'm utterly shocked, and now have to go to work, where I hope that I won't hear anything about it. Work passes slowly until the midday (again) when there's a freak thunderstorm, that causes a major power-hit three minutes before the newscast, taking out the teleprompter, weather computer, and someting else I can't remember.  After work I'm up until around 8pm, reading/watching the updates on the story.

Wednesday: Up again at 2am, barely awake enough to drive to work.  Everything seems to be going smoothly, then I get home, go to my favorite torrent site, and it's been hit by a major system crash - no new comics this week, go to sleep at 2pm.

Thursday: Work's fine, I hear mention of a major news meeting at 3pm as I'm leaving, laugh about our sister station's capital budget with the guys in engineering, and go home. Download a newsreader because outlook sucks for this type of thing, and go about my nautical way.  Call into work at 3:45-ish to ask what the meeting was about, and hear that corporate legal people are coming in on Monday, but "that doesn;t mean we're shutting the station down"  SUUUUUUUURE it doesn't.  Call the wife about a possible job lead.

I swear, if my luck keeps up, by this time next week I'll probably be dead from an errant meteorite.
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