Dec 31, 2011 13:13
Another year has passed. Last year I felt was a year of adventure and travel. A year of learning about God in my surroundings and finding a real sense of God living in me and around me!
2011 has a little different theme but was still filled with growth in God and my relationship with Him. 2011 I would like to call the year of family.
John and Ivy gave birth to the first baby in the family at the end of 2010! Jovy Cai Coleman has lit up our lives! It has been a beautiful experience to watch the growth of a baby's 1st year and to see my brother grow as a dad and husband. I was blessed and able to visit them in San Diego two times this summer! I want to strive to keep family close even if it stretches my budget and the travel by myself can be lonely. I want to be an example of Christ in Jovy's life and continually love on my family through this next year.
The baby news continued in to 2011! John and Ivy announced that they were pregnant with baby number two who will join us in June of next year! I could not be more excited about a growing family and the thoughts of all our future adventures with them make me so happy!
My favorite cousin got married in May! A great family vacation came from that wedding. The trip to San Francisco was the first for Brent and it was so fun to all be together for a week and relax and laugh. My San Fran family blesses me so much! I never laugh more then when I am with them and I was double happy to have my aunt and uncle come visit us in WA in October! Between funny youtube videos, people watching, shopping, cooking, and family meals it is always non stop fun with my family. I feel blessed by them.
After the excitement of cousin Kel getting married to her long time boyfriend that we love, they announced a week ago that they are pregnant and due in July of next year! The happy news continues!
My favorite part of 2011 would have to be getting ENGAGED on Dec. 21st!!!! I have never been more caught off guard, surprised, happy, excited and in love!!! I have loved the planning process thus far, date set, venue picked and I am really working on feeling blessed instead of stressed! I have fallen more in love with Brent in this last year and he is family. I am beyond happy to make that official in Aug of 2012!
Apartment living has taught me so much about myself and my roomies have felt like sisters in the year+ we have been here together! It feels good to have friends that feel like family and know that they love me where I am at in my journey but they still are able to call me out on my junk and help instill growth in my life. The hardest part about getting married will be leaving this family of sisters I have made being on my own.
Friendships come and go...this year has brought clarity to who my real friends are in life. I have strengthened old friendships, continued to grow new friendships and really just feel VERY blessed by God for the people in my life. I never thought I deserved great friendships and certainly did not envision ones so strong in my future. I hope to use these friendships to share Christ and continue to grow.
I lost a friend this year. One of the hardest moments in life. Pain so strong punching you right in the stomach. Trapper Bonham left us October 15th, 2011 due to a drug over dose. It hit Kelsey hard and although it pains me to say this it has brought her and I closer together and I believe God closer to her. It has made me wrestle with the God I have always followed and trusted. It allowed me to grow/learn in areas that honestly I hoped I would never have to. Taken so young, in such a painful, hurtful, most awful way. The death of a friend has challenged me to want to live more fully and share God more...this is still a learning curve Im trying to grasp and I hate the lesson has stemmed from so much pain. I think of Trapper often, I even got a T tattooed on my ankle. He taught me to love. He loved more and judged less out of any Christian Ive ever met and that has hurt and also spoken volumes in to my life. I want to be reminded of the things Trapper taught me everyday...I do not want to let him go. His funeral was the hardest thing I have ever experienced, and I felt lucky to at least share it with people I loved. The pain will always be real, but the goal is take that pain and turn it around for God's glory. I think I will be struggling to do that for the rest of my life.
There were more ups the downs this year and that leaves me with a smile as I head into the new year! I will not forget the ones lost, the friendships made, and the family growth as I head into 2012. I pray for more adventure, love, growth with the family & friends in my life, and a stronger relationship with God. I am blessed and could not ask for more (even though I often do) from God in my life. I am beyond happy with where He has me and I pray so hard to take lessons learned from this year and drag them with me in to the new year!
Thank you God for your many blessings, for the joy, for the hurt, for the growth, and for Your son Jesus, with whom all things are possible. I could go on and on of different events and great things that happened this year but i'll end with them...Thank you God <3