Pen Point

Jul 07, 2009 13:46

Free Earth Now
...I repeat these not just because the context calls for them but also because they strongly bear repeating, as the subject matter itself did in the first place...

Anything that inspires creativity, freedom, and the
    luxury of personal fulfillment threatens Authority.

Anything that promotes intelligence, individuality,
    originality, and subdues easy acceptance of blinding
    conformity threatens Authority.

Any means of propagation of information that cannot
    be dominated, controlled, or suppressed threatens

Mental and spiritual health, social and personal
    maturity, and but of course; expanded awareness;
    anything that promotes these threaten Authority
    as well -or should I say threaten Power...

Nothing or nobody should be allowed to insinuate
    themselves between anybody and the planet. Our
    planet is freely for us all. Global Domination
    is the dream of small and foolish gluttons for
    Power who believe people should be controlled.

...In comment there, I added this link of Amy Goodman interviewing
Chris Hedges on his then debuting book,
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America...

...Well, it's been war on everything for years now; the dollar, the country, the planet, people, women, reason, civilization, you, me, any future, you name it, they're agin it. Nothing new. Fretting is surely futile, certainly so, however -it's as impossible for any person to ignore as it for any person to immediately address. It's not just the blood of American troops we pump into our gastanks, it is Earth's own...

Free Earth Now? Certainly. But still, at this point, it's damage control...
The Dark Side of Climate Change: It's Already Too Late

By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet. Posted July 7, 2009.

Father of the Gaia Theory, James Lovelock says we can't stop climate change, but that humanity will continue in some smaller form.


FN20 / Enjoy it While You Can
By shellinaya, on June 27th, 2009

Enjoy your life while you can, because nothing we are doing right now will likely stop climate change in time. That is the terrifying message from Sir James Lovelock, famous UK scientist and inventor. Global heating will proceed. All Congress does is pass a cap and trade bill which won't even cut emissions until about 2040. The bottom line is that climate change is coming and we will have to possibly move and adapt.

More on James Lovelock here on Grist.
Download here
...At this point, human matters are left in the hands of Earth herself, and the brushes and pens and keyboards of the artists and writers, and why not...

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