(no subject)

Feb 02, 2005 17:17

Second Semester already started about 2 days ago.

Wellness, I can tell right now, is going to be vastly entertaining. Not only am I fortunate to get a TON of people in that class that I know - such as Erin, Nathan, Heather and most importantly Breanne - but Breanne will spend most if not all her time having fun teasing this guy named Curtis by mentioning something about bra straps, which makes me laugh and is just darn hilarious. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind that that is how we get our very pethetic source of entertainment.

Art seems like it will be alright, as I have some 'buddies' in that class too. But Matt is starting to get on my nerves, because not only does he seem to want to hound me for my ORBIT (which makes everyone want some), but he keeps bringing up James, whom I guess 'likes me' even though I am more then sure that this is just some sort of random inside joke, as I have hardly ever even talked to the dude. So he needs to go find his own ORBIT and shut up for a bit, even though I am more then willing to laugh a bit when ever he does, which is rather often.

Other then that, it's all the same.

Then end.
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