Apr 30, 2005 22:14
so I basically hate Mr. Akin. It all started on Wendesday when I accidently hit the print button on my computer and print out 35 slides. I was obviously my fault but her over reacts about everything. so he sees that one of my slides say's "You Suck!". It was just for the quiz part, you clicked the wrong answer, it say's that. Of course he over reacts about that shit and starts yell at me for that. On Thursday I plug the pen drive into the computer because I was working on the presentation at home and at school and he freaks out about that saying that my pen drive could some how have virus and shit on it becuase the school runs on a network. my ass I really don't give a shit. anyways he goes and scans the pen drive and complains about it have to much information on it and it taking to long to scan. boo-hoo go cry about it. and then he sees in the drive that there is a sound file or cartman from south park saying you suck. I thought it was really funny and desided to put in my presentation. so basically he goes about freaks out that shit and I agrued with him saying that it was my pen drive and that I was alloud to have whatever I wanted on it. Then you goes and says that I'm a teeny-booper. WTF????? seriously, what the fuck is that supposed to mean. I fucking hate that guy so much. He's such a douche bag.
On Friday, X,B,C mods were good but when I went to D-Mod, shit hit the fan. I can't find my binder and the teacher takes up the homework that I didn't do. I did some of it but people were saying that she wasn't going to take it but and plus I couldn't find it. And then she got pissed off at me because she thinks that I always have to have the last word in agruements. I've got an idea Mrs. Ball, why don't you drop dead. Then when I got to E-Mod, Ms. Donovan gets pissed off because I made a sign that said "I love Ms. Donovan like an anorexic loves ex-lax". So basically I have to do more homework then the class because I wrote that, what a titty bitch. Then in F-Mod, we have a subsitute, Mr. Terri. After that quiz, he hands us a worksheet and tells us to work on it. Everyone is talking about shit and then comes over to us and says that we are being to loud. He also says that we need to work on the worksheet. Caitlin says what worksheet and I laugh and the douche bag hits me! WTF??? I could have his ass sued for that shit. A teacher can't hit a student period. Not in this day and age. So I was basically like I'm goin to go and tell another teacher or something because thats pretty fucked up. So me and Brittany go to Mrs. Jordan and we tell her and she basically blows that shit off which kind of pissed me off. So after that I went home and went to work.
On Saturday, I woke up at about 10 and took a shower and shit then went and picked up black brittany. We ate at Quizno's and hung out at my house. Then I went to work and now I'm here. Alright I'm goin to book it.