Remind me again, why?

Nov 22, 2009 22:27

Hey, remember me?

The girl who loves making lists for everything? Be it to-do lists, wish lists, guest lists, things to buy lists, things to bring list, places to eat lists, I had a weird enthusiasm for it all :-P

A funny thing has happened though, I hardly ever compile lists anymore.. I can't recall when this started happening. It's like all of a sudden I just stopped doing it. And right now, I can't decide whether I miss doing it, or whether I am relieved to know that I've made it this far without a list for everything. (Nope, still no Ultimate Melbourne list!)

Another thing I stopped doing is updating my iCal thingy.. You know, the calendar/planner application on my MacBook.
I used to record every single occurrence, from lunch dates to night outs, to threading and hair salon visits, car service appointments and even the odd dentist visit.. It was such a fun thing to do, with all the colourful labels for different categories. Then I would compare my calendar entries by weeks and months... Such a loser, I know :-P
But from the end of August, nothing has been updated. I don't know, I just lost my interest in recording day-to-day incidents I guess..

I think I've reached the point where I'm getting tired of keeping a record of every single part of my life. And yes, this can also be seen in the declining frequency of my blog updates :-P

I've decided to rely more on my memory now. After all, I'm still young and my memory isn't that bad....
When you think about it, is every single part of the present and past relevant in the future? Probably not, right?

As of now, I wanna look at it this way: The things I remember are the things I'm meant to remember and if I don't remember, then it probably wasn't worth remembering in the first place :-)

So yeah. Let's see how it goes...


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