Post-break up post.

May 25, 2009 21:41

Okay I seriously think there's a yoghurt monstahh in my house coz every time I buy my yoghurt, mesti ada someone else who finishes it!
The other day I bought four, I ate one and now there's only two left. What the?
It's getting pretty annoying coz it has happened so many times before and nobody's gonna 'fess up! :-(
It's not that I'm a tamak fatty or anything, but can't you just tell me?
In other Zizi-related news, it's been about a week since my much-awaited break up with Interior Architecture & Design, and boy does it feel good.
I won't lie, I felt quite sad leaving KBU on Wednesday afternoon after the IAD Club meeting, but apart from that I've been enjoying every single moment :-)

Bought baju raya kains with Mama and Sha on Thursday and that was damn tiring! Even the 10 hour sleep I had the night before was not enough to give me the energy I needed, and I ended up napping for another 3 hours when we got home. Hehe :-P
I'm still getting used to sleeping for longg periods of time, after being so used to staying up til the wee hours and waking up super early.
Sometimes I unintentionally wake up at 3am and 6am and have a lil bit of trouble falling back to sleep. Hmm.
Bought a new blanket with the intention to enhance my sleeep and am yet to try it out. It's so poofy and cute! Hee.
Next on my list is darker, thicker curtains to block out the light...

In the food department, I've been pretty much indulging.. Had Fatty Crab with Hazira, Kin and Adam the other day..
I was still lacking sleep and a bit blurry, so we weren't as LOUD as we usually are.. Hahah sorry bout that guys! :-P
On Friday, we had a lil cousin bonding session over lunch at La Bodega coz Linny was on leave.. Hehe and by the looks of it, that'll be the closest I'll get to Spain in the near future... *hmph*
Also, I've been having brekkie with Jo almost every other day coz he usually starts work after 12.. Yay to that! :-D hehee
We also tried out a new lamb recipe the other day.. So sedap plssss! I didn't screw up the mashed potatoes either! :-D
However, I really must learn to go easy when cooking with lemons! Too much of it ain't really a good thinggg :-P
Mama has told me that before, but I'm just a bit degil sometimes.. Heehee.

Organized my wardrobe today and cleaned up my room a bit.. Such a relief!!
Next is the hallway outside my room and then the guest room.. If not I won't get my allowance. Boo :-(

So yes, that's what I've been up to lately...

Oh and RESTAURANT CITY on Facebook!!
The perfect game for people who have so much free time on their hands, like me! :-P

Til next time,
Warung Pak Abbas owner.

breakfast, badrillahs, la bodega, besties, spain, cooking

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