Random stuff about me you might (or might not) want to know :-P

Nov 14, 2008 13:34

Tagged by Ninie!

Starting time : 13:03

Name : Zuliana.

Sisters : Zurisha, Sha, Sah, Sashoe, Acu.

Brothers : Zero.

Shoe size : Three.

Height : About 5 feet..

Where do you live : Bkt Jelutong.

Have you ever...
Been on a plane : Yup.

Swam in the ocean : Splash around, yes.

Fallen asleep at school : I don't think so! Yes, nerd. Hehe

Broken someone’s heart : Probably, but not intentionally...

Fell off your chair : Hahah never!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Hmmm.

Saved e-mails : All the time!

What is your room like : The way I like it.

What’s right beside you: Pillows!

What is the last thing you ate : Sunny side up.

Chicken pox : When I was 5 or 6.

Sore throat : After concerts... Hehe

Stitches : None.

Broken nose : Nope!

Do you believe in love at first sight : Not until it happens to me :-P

Like picnics : Most definitely!

Who is the person...
You last danced with : Shit, I don't remember.

Who last made you smile : Jo, this morning =")

You last yelled at : Probably Sha.. Lol.

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : I like my mom, so yeah.

Kiss anyone : Do text kisses count? ;-) hee.

Get sick : Nope.

Talk to an ex : Haha riiight.

Miss someone : Eberyday! :-(

Who do you really hate: Can't think of anyone..

Do you like your hand-writing : At times..

Are your toe nails painted : Not today..

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Burger bed! Teehee.

What color shirt are you wearing now : Baby pink.

Are you a friendly person : When I feel like it?

Do you have any pets : Yasin, the fat cat.

Do you sleep with the TV on : Nope.

What are you doing right now : Ob-vi-ous-ly this!

Can you handle the truth : Depends.

Are you closer to your mother or father : Mom.

Do you eat healthy : I try to?

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : Err.. *nods*

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Depends what it's about...

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Loud!

Are you confident : At times..

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
- Staying in Sec 9, Shah Alam.
- Playing outdoors with my neighbours.
- ??
- ???
- 1998 wasn't really memorable, I'm sorry but I don't remember anymoreee!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- Travel around the world.
- Build my dream house.
- Start up my own chain of restaurants and cafes.
- Get everyone a Mac!
- Make every building green and sustainable! :-D

5 of my bad habits:
- Procrastinates like crazee.
- Easily gets bored of clothes.
- Hardly finishes food on plate.
- Tends to keep things (receipts, tickets, cards etc) for sentimental reasons.
- Impatient at times.

5 places I’ve lived:
- Kg Baru
- Tmn Tun
- New York
- Subang Jaya
- Shah Alam

5 People I am tagging:
- Kin (as soon as you're done with your exams)
- Lia (your exams are over, so no excuses missy!)
- Martin
- Adreen
- Amirah Z


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