Stupid slow connection.

Apr 24, 2007 23:40

Helloo everyone!

Havent been updating my blog coz my internet connection has been annoyingly slowww these past few days.. i am yet to figure out wat's wrongg! ish... in the mean time, i'm using sha's laptop.. huhu it's just not the sameee, but i'm desperate :-/

had a great weekend! just lazed around on saturday... on sunday i went to bangsar wif sha :-) had brunch at devi's then on to a whole day of pampering.. lol went for threading, wash n blow, and mani pedi.. it was wonderful! ehee :-D had to avoid from going into the shops, as i didnt wanna end up buying anything.. going to sydney this friday for a week.. so yeahh, cant wait to spend over there! hehe althoughhh i'd rather be in NEW ZEALAND! eheee :-P pleeeeaseee papa pleeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee??!! 0:-)
had late lunch at bakerzin before heading back home.. love the cute baby quiches and peach tea!
Ordered pizza hut for dinner, and watched Material Girls at The House.. new tv! woo hooo! Okay i just lovee being at the new house, that i dreadd going back to the old one.. huhu it's soo messy and unorganized rite now......

Monday was kinda boring.. Didnt feel like doing my drawings at all! Went to Pyramid to get my contact lens.. Hate going there coz of the construction and all that.. eesh... Parked at the Jockey Parking, and successfully managed to side park at this tiny parking spot :-P lol.. Stopped by at Sec2 to get some mounting board.. blwek.. Had lunch at The House then took a nap on my new bed :-D
Had KFC for dinner (unhealthy food fest continues....) then watched The Prince & Me wif Mama and Papa.. havent seen it in agess! Ahaha no fair that girl spontaneously went to Denmark to see her prince... I oso wannnttt!! ahahaha :-P
Internet was being so annoying so i slept early.. zZzz..

Tuesday was alright la.. Went to KBU to supposedly do some drawings, but i wasnt in the mood, so i did some rendering instead.. Lol.. waited for Anisha, Linda and Martin to finish, so we could have lunch.. hehe eat eat talk talk laugh laugh.. went back to class, sibuk here and there, then took Linda and Martin to my new house.. "Inspection" la kononnya.. hahaha had ribena and nachos.. :-P and waited for the tv guy to fix the senget tv... Took Linda and Martin around BJ before going back to fetch Sha..
She's so mangy, she never fails to crack me up! ahahaha sumpah otw back i was laughing like mad.. Nasib baik there werent any cars on the road, kalau tak mmg dah accident ah! Cudnt open my eyes and was too weak to turn the steering wheel... lol i'll smack u Sha! :-P

Aiyo i'm not in the mood to continue coz i wannaaa use my laptop laaa! Aiyo.... wat happened la?? ish.. so annoying.
I'm going to sleep now.


bangsar, australia, new zealand, devi's, house, assignments, wash n blow

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