Round up platter.

May 10, 2008 23:51

Don't you think days of the week are going by really, really fast lately?
However, my holiday doesn't seem to be approaching fast enough, which is just plain weird.
It has almost been a week since my last update, I know. I wish I could blog as often as I like, but unfortunately my piling work load forbids me to do so. Huuu.

The past week has been filled with unexpected happenings, which adds excitement to my usual routines and shows how life is just full of surprises, be it good ones or bad ones..

On Monday, I had lunch with Leez at Paddington Pancakes coz it's been ages since I last saw her.. I had those stupid detail drawings to think of, but seriously, if I hadn't gone out for lunch, I would've been in front of the lappie just zooming in and out of the drawings coz I have no idea what else to draw.

Tuesday could have been the worst day of the week coz I had two tutorials that day, but thank goodness it wasn't as bad as I had pictured it in my head. Phew! Sometimes I just worry too much kot...
Received an invitation from Leez to Mulberry's Spring/Summer 08 preview at Starhill the next day, and the tiny voice inside my head was telling me to decline and work on the detail drawings instead. I'm glad I ignored it! I loved the finger food they served! :-D
Okay, I know I won't be able to afford any of the bags in the near future, but it doesn't hurt to look right? Going to these preview thingies reminded me of my fashion intern days at Harper's Bazaar, and for some reason it keeps me grounded. Looking at the snobby rich people who were present makes me realize that I do not and should not ever want to be like them.

Wednesday should've been a full day of work, but no, after the preview with Leez, I had Jaja's 21st birthday celebration to attend later that evening. Heheh and yes, there will be a special post on that soon, so I won't spoil it by talking about it now.

Nothing much happened on Thursday, so I shall fast forward to Friday.
Had an appointment with the KL Convention Centre people regarding my final essay at 9.30am, so I had to go through the early morning KL traffic. Surely not something I would like to do on a daily basis, thanks.
Felt really important meeting the people there, and even received a goodie bag filled with useful information, postcards, and even a pocket calendar that can be used up to 2016! Gila ke apa??
On the way back to the car, I was such a weakling and surrendered to the Topshop sale, even though I kept telling myself I must not do so. Eee. I need more will power dammit!
Lunch at Ikea with Sha and Linda before meeting up with Anisha in Subang for our gossip session. Ahaha.

Last night was Nek Noon and Papa's birthday celebration and just like Jaja's birthday, a special entry on that will be posted soon.

Owh yea, this coming Thursday will be my internship interview and I feel so unprepared for it! Except for the outfit department, coz I've got that all planned out already. Heee.
Went to collect my bajus from the tailor just now, and tried it on again when I got home.
Papa said I looked like a salesgirl.
Hmmpphh. Not exactly the look I was going for.
Hello? Designer, Pa! Designerrrr.

Meeting my besties for Sunday morning breakfast tomorrow, so I guess I should be working on my essay now..


breakfast, badrillahs, shopping, parents, birthdays, assignments, besties

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