Ready or not, here I come!

Apr 08, 2008 21:34

Okay Tuesday a.k.a the craziest day of the week has come and gone and I'm glad to say that I'm still here, alive and kicking ;-)
Practically my whole weekend was spent in front of the lappie, doing AutoCAD drawings.. Huhu such an eye-sore la okay. It just brings me back waaay back to Form5, when we had to do some LK project using the software. Sadly, the only thing I remember was the 'trim' tool, coz back then I got someone to do the project for me. Ahaha serve me right. If not, I'd be an AutoCAD pro by now. Lol okay pls, who are you kidding la Zi? :-P
So yeah, managed to actually complete a lot of drawings this weekend and I'm like so proud of myself like that. Haha

Please take note: The drawings below are NOT the drawings I completed last weekend! Hahaha

What I drew during our first AutoCAD class. Hahaha macam budak tadika pls!

Obviously Anisha lagi pro! I feel so ashamed of myself... Hehe

On Friday night I managed to meet up with Jaja, Kin and Adam the fresh graduate. Heheh
Ms Liana and Ms Hazira were MIA though.. Sedih pls. Mak cik Lia, it's almost been a month okay! Kata la the last time I saw you was Sunburst?? Tak mungkin. Huuu :-(

On Saturday evening, I decided to rest my eyes by going shopping with Linny and Sha.. Interview clothes shopping! Hehehee okay, I think I'm like the most semangat person in my class when it comes to this. Lol our internship interviews will be around middle May, and I don't own anything formal looking. Found a black skirt at Miss Selfridge, that needed no alterations.. Woo hoo! The problem was of course finding a collared shirt that would actually fit me nicely. Hmph. Memang tak wujud la kan.
So I had no choice but to get one tailor made. Nooo, not because I'm an annoying, spoilt brat. B-b-but coz I had no choice okay. Huhu I read that ill-fitting clothes is a big no-no during interviews, so yeah.
But the weirdest part of all this is that I'm secretly hoping, wishing and praying that I won't get hired. (Hah, not much of a secret anymore la kan.)
So yeah, I'm still having mixed feelings bout this whole internship thing. I know, it's a good opportunity and all that... But I have better plans for my super long break! And that does not include being someone's slave and staying at the office til the wee hours. Huhu

Saturday night dinner at Porto Romano with Mama Papa Sha. Nice cozy place.. Great lamb cutlets! :-D
On Sunday night, we had yong tau foo at Aunty Siti's house, with the whole family. Had tau foo fah for dessert. Tau foo overload man! Heheh

Okay, the next following days will be devoted to my dear sectional model.. I need lotsa energy for that, and tonight I'm saving all the energy I can.. By watching Desperate Housewives then I'm off to bed! Hehehe

Til my next entry, see yaaaa~

badrillahs, shopping, parents, sha, assignments, besties

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