March Birthdays Part 2

Apr 01, 2008 20:05

March 27th, 2008
Sha's 19th birthday!!
Celebrated one day later, coz her birthday falls on a Thursday..

Time: Dinner
Venue: My house
Menu: BBQ - chicken, beef, lamb, ikan pari and udanggg. Not forgetting strawberry Jell-O, durian and birthday cake.

Group photo (that I wish I was in..) :-/

Uncle Sverre, Sha, Yaya and Aunty Siti

Us and the biji durian. Lol

Some tard who happens to be my sister. Hahah

Okaaaay, what is this?? Eva trying to replace me or something? Hmmph *sulks in the corner* :-P

Wishing for a complete set of My Little Ponies?


My soul sista turns 19! Woo hooo!

Nawww.. Nenek! :-]

badrillahs, parents, birthdays, sha

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