Swinging sixties!

Mar 06, 2008 19:32

Last Sunday was Uncle Yan's 60th birthday! Yeah, for real this time.. No more almost 60.. Hehe
Slept over at Nenek's house on Friday night to bake the cupcakes and attend to the other preparations.
Got to sleep in Yaya's room with Sara, which was nice til she cried in the middle of the night, then started babbling to herself in the wee hours of the morning!

The next morning me and Sha met up with Mama Papa at The Gardens, coz Papa wanted to check out the place.. Got myself some new tops and two pairs of shoes.. Heee! Papa was in a super good mood coz of his "achievement" which puts me in a good mood too. Lol
Bought Sophie Kinsella's latest book! :-D
Had lunch at Alexis and satisfied my craving for the pavlova.. Hehe
After lunch, we went back to Nenek's house to decorate the cupcakes..
Caught a movie with Kin and Lia on Saturday night and had pancakes! Weee.. What a great day!
Til I had to stay up real late to write my essay, that is. Huuu.

Went to Nenek's house on Sunday morning for the kenduri.. My eyes never wanna stay open when it's baca yassiin time. Why laaa :-/
When the kenduri guests left after lunch, we had to start preparing for the partayy.
Put up the campaign posters, decorations, voting station etc.. Hehe
We organized an election themed party coz of election fever. Lol
The two parties that were competing were Partikus (coz Uncle Yan was born in the year of the rat) and Partikat (pronounced as party-cat)
Hahah leave it to my family to come up with things like this la :-P

It says 'The Big 60, Oh no!", and the crazy golfers give a new meaning to the phrase "Swinging sixties" heheh

Me and Aunty Siti with the mascots :-P

Aunty Siti looks like she's going "Eleh!" in this picture. Lol

Partikus vs. Partikat :-P

Shasha and Mama

Me and Yaya

Trying my best to look like a rat, and actually succeeding. Hahah

Partikus people in purple :-D

Partikat in green!

Aww even Sara's in Partikus :-)

Let the voting begin!

The balloting box

The ballots

Papa and me

With Derek and Eva..

Uncle Yan when announced Partikus won with a total of 29 votes :-D

If I had two birthday cakes, I'd have this expression on my face too! ;-)

badrillahs, shopping, chic lit, parents, baby sara, kenduri, cupcakes, movie, birthdays, besties

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