Easter weekend..

Apr 08, 2007 18:07

Seriously i need to escape, get away for awhile to clear my messed up mind...

I regret browsing through Amir's blog links, checking out wat people Down Under are up to.. It's like sooo unfair that they get 2 weeks break and get to travel here and there! Is it like damn cheap or sumthing? Why cant i get to do that?? Urghhh..
So yes, reading those blogs just made me feel worse and led to this entry..

I should have learnt my lesson when i read those blogs when they first got to Aussie.. made me feel sooo depressed coz i'm still here in Malaysia, finishing my degree..
I wanna go overseas godammit!! Huhu i wanna get to explore new and exciting places, instead of going to the same places doing the same things over and over again.. it's getting really mundane... I need new things to do.. New sceneries to see.. New faces to look at.. After all, i am doing a creative course which needs new perspectives and sources of inspiration! :-P I wanna own an apartment! I wanna get furniture for my apartment! I wanna buy groceries to stock up my fridge!

At least i have my 5 months break to look forward to.. Wonder wat i'm gonna do.. I have a feeling i'll end up doing the same ol', same ol'.. it's not that i dont want to do new things, i just feel sooo restricted. it's getting on my nerves rite noww. i wannaaaa go to Melaka, god knows how many times Adelyn has asked me to go! I've mentioned a trip to Taiping soo many times, but Papa and Mama just laugh. LAUGH. like it's some kinda joke. Langkawi? Hah. Singapore? I wish. Bali? U gotta be kidding. New Zealand? DO U WANNA GET GROUNDED? Lol.

Every time i mention furthering my studies overseas, Papa always gives me this look and it gets soo annoyingg it's like he never wants to let me go. EVER.

australia, new zealand, parents

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