While taking a break from the kindergarten project last night, I finally came around to adding tags to all my entries, and here's what it looks like now:

Woops! I guess it's pretty obvious what (or rather who) I write about most. Lol! ;-D
Since this is a totally random post, I thought I'd add in a few countdowns:
2 days til Joey comes home
5 days til the kindergarten project is due
7 days til Hari Raya Haji
10 days til Aidil comes home
12 days til Xmas
14 days til Mama and Papa come home
14 days til the Desaru/Singapore trip
18 days til Kinkin's birthday
18 days til New Year's Eve
and 19 days til 2008!
Whoaa.. December is going by soo fast, huh?
Gotta make the best of the last few days of 2007...
but before that can happen, I havta get this damn project out of the way!
Catcha later everyone! :-)