Am too tired to think of an interesting title.

Sep 30, 2007 15:35

So this is it, my final weekend before class reopens. I am sooo liat to go back to class! Doesnt anybody out there feel me? Lol
Everyone is going "Finally!" but i'm like "Huh? Already??" :-(
I was thinking of sleeping in this weekend, but other things came up so right now i'm tired as hell.

On Friday, me and Sha went to Pavilion KL for the first time, to attend this fashion preview thingy for Parkson.. It was alright la.. Wasnt as good as i expected it to be.. I dont know what all the hype was about.. Lotsa interesting brands were featured, but the clothes just looked... blegh. Normal. Nothing to get all excited, jumping about in your seat kinda thing. The goodie bag wasnt all that great either. Dont you just hate vouchers with stupid terms and conditions? Like, u get a RM50 Xixili voucher, BUT u have to spend RM300 and above in a single receipt to use it. Like, what the?
I was expecting Parkson vouchers coz after all, the event was organised by them.. But guess what they gave out? DODOL!
Tau la they're getting into the festive mood, but wouldnt cash vouchers in green ang pau packets be waaay better, and not to mention more useful?? Ish.

While waiting for the fashion show to start

Looking so tourist-like here.. Lol

But i liked that we got to dress up and take in the whole atmosphere of the place.. hehe
Absolutely no shopping that night because i'm such a good little girl ;-)

Affin Bank organises this adopt an orphan program every year in Ramadhan, and this weekend a girl named Zulaikha spent 2 nights at our house.. We took her shopping for baju raya on Saturday..
She's really sweet and dont u think her name just blends with the family? heheh
On Saturday night after buka, i went to OU with Kin and Lia to watch Hairspray.. Had dessert at Paddington's..
I ordered dollar pancakes with lotsa baby marshmallows, ice cream and chocolate sauce.. Pure indulgence! :-D
Got home quite late, and went straight to bed.. Damn exhausted!

Just now, i checked out Miss Bow Boutique in Bandar Utama with Leez.. Got myself a yellow bag for college.. hehe
I bought it in hopes of making me more excited to go to class tomorrow, but nope, still nothing.... :-P
Leez got sooo much stuff, it was crazy.. She's such a generous and thoughtful shopper.. She'll think of her sister, her mum, her boyf, and even her brother when she shops... The only person i think of is myself. How awful :-/

Owh yea, today is the start of daylight saving, so the time difference between Malaysia and New Zealand is now five hours, instead of four.. Damn! Makes Haizat seem even further away.. Time difference is so annoying. Annoyinggg.

h a i z a t ! says: i got stats assignment n one quiz due mon
h a i z a t ! says: prog on wed
zuliana says: owh shiet
h a i z a t ! says: stats dah la annoying mcm u :D
zuliana says: byk jugak la
zuliana says: hahah
zuliana says: :D
zuliana says: at least got sumthing to remind u of meee :D
h a i z a t ! says: annoyinggness
h a i z a t ! says: haha

Going for buka at Nenek's house in a bit.. I'm soo excited! We're having a meeting to discuss Pre-Raya and Hari Raya plans, so that should be interesting.. Heheh
Catcha later!

hari raya, movie, shopping, sha, besties

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