Going professional..

Dec 23, 2009 00:42

Seeing as I'll be leaving tomorrow to perform the Umrah, I guess this will be my last post for 2009.
However, seeing as I'm typing this from my *ehem* new laptop, this is my very first post from my MacBook Pro! Teheehee ;-D
Yes, a going away pressie from Papa.
No, my baby Mac has not been replaced.
If I put it that way, I'm pretty sure it'll merajuk wimme and act up. It has served me well for the past 4 years and is still working perfectly fineee. I do not want to ruin the good relationship we have right now :-P
So why a new latop, you may ask? 
Wellll, as spoiled and mengade as this may sound, I sorta needed a professional-looking laptop for my Masters.
Hahah I don't think anyone would take me seriously with my hot pink, cherry2 MacBook kot. Like, seriously? :-P

And as 2010 will mark the beginning of a brand new year and a brand new chapter in my life, I felt that I wanted a new laptop that would reflect this. You see, my laptop is like my life. Everything is in it. Well, almost. But you get what I mean.
If someone were to get hold of my MacBook and go through everything in it, they could most definitely read me like a book! All the pictures, files, calendar entries etc represent a certain period of my life. And they are constantly there to remind me of all the good memories, and sometimes even the not-so-good ones.
So I believe the best way to move on in life and to get over the past is by starting anew. And symbolically, I do this by getting a new laptop. A fresh clean slate. A new canvas to paint ;-)
I've learnt this through experience.. When my hard disk crashed the last time and I lost every single thing in my laptop, I guess it was Allah's way of telling me to move on and leave the past behind me. Hahah and yes, if you remember well enough a few days later that's when I broke up with H. Everything happens for a reason they say ;-) hehehe

Okay I think I've rambled on way too much already.. So with this, I would like to welcome my new MacBook Pro into the family.. May we have a great adventure starting next year! :-D

Baby Mac (R) and MacBook Pro (L) which is yet to be named.. Any suggestions?

So yes, have a good year ahead everyone! I'm really looking forward to 2010, and I hope you are too! :-D


apple, macbook

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