So yesterday I was planning to post an artdump, maybe go on Livestream or Pchat, get some of my xmas gifts done -
-- then a cockroach appeared. And I ran away and hid inside my bedroom, and now I can’t find my tablet pen FOR SOME REASON.
Damn cockroach.
Other than that, YAY SUMMER VACATIONSSSS \o/ And sorry for the huge picshas D:
Canon Hetalia )
I loved the idea too, when Mila told me about it ;A; SO MUCH POTENTIAL. (though the allies' part was my contribution to the madness) Oh, by all means, do run with the idea 8D God knows I'd read it if you wrote it, orz. The world needs more Arthur-with-gun-kink. I'm totally making your gift as I type this, ohoho <3333333
I'd say Mattie is used to Alfred by now, poor thing. We all are, I mean xD I'M GLAD I MADE HIM AWESOME ENOUGH <3333
Thank you <333 France, mon cher, I still love you madly ;3;
Oh, yeah, I know I'd have to refrain myself from poisoning Lovi's drink five times a day, but I still love him 8D An thank you! Spain's hair, fffff it looks so curly and fluffy and nice to pet <3
Don't feel ignorant, I had no idea what they were called before I searched for "poncho" on wikipedia 8D;;; Apparently they're called "chullos". The more you know? xD
Itzellll \o/ \o/ She's just so pretty, I love drawing her ;A; Costa Rica's shovel is too easy to make fun of >3>;; Ecuador is a major sweetie... And coffee is always necessary. BD
Thank you, sweetheart~~~~~ <333333333 I agree, but don't tell Martin. /shot
(What, so Japan has a lot of cockroaches? DDDD8 *has second thoughts* And fff I'm glad I found it or I wouldn't be able to make colorful gifts! >3<)
IT'S SO BRILLIANT (and I definitely approve of your contribution. But what is Japan doing? XD) I JUST MIGHT. Some day . . . aaaaaah. It would turn out US/UK, though, I'm warning you. Even if I'd probably throw in some FrUK, it would be US/UK for sure. Though the world does need more Arthur-with-gun-kink. I'm convinced of that much. I--I--EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <3333333333333333333 ♥ I'M SO EXCITED. ♥♥♥ THANK YOUUUU.
Yes, he is, no doubt. XD U-um, I'm glad? XD YOU MADE HIM SO AWESOME HIS AWESOME RADIATES OFF THE PAGE~~~~ ♥ <33333
You're welcome! <333 How can you not love France and his pretty pretty poofter ways? :D
Yeah, exactly >_<. But he's irresistible in some strange way. And Spain's hair DOES. I want to pet iiiiiiit. XDDD
Okay, I feel better, then. And chullos, huh? Now I know!
She is! So pretty! She's awesome. And lololol. But Ecuador is ADORABLE. And yes. Yes, it is.
You're welcome, of course~~~~~~~~ <33333333 I promise not to tell him if you keep drawing Brazil XD
(Not a lot? But more than the Pacific Northwest, for sure. Mostly you never see them, though, because Japan is very clean. And most of them are in the more tropical areas anyway, not in Tokyo. BUT YES. THIS IS IMPORTANT.)
/goes back to lurk
Fkdfdkfjakl now I'm all embarrassed. *blush* Heehee--pretty and American? (I've also cosplayed America; I just haven't managed to get the pictures up on yet . . . but I'm not nearly tall enough. I'm more the right height for Ed :P.)
*blushing like crazy now*
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