Why I Believe Bush Sucks as A President

Oct 25, 2004 20:00

this list is taken from http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200409/bush_record.asp the original source was the national resource defense council

JANUARY 20, 2001
White House freezes all rules set at end of Clinton term-including tougher ones for raw sewage

JANUARY 20, 2001
Bush proposes opening Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling

FEBRUARY 12, 2001
Energy Department puts off enforcing new efficiency standards for air conditioners

FEBRUARY 15, 2001
EPA delays new rule protecting wetlands from mining and development

MARCH 7, 2001
Fish and Wildlife Service withdraws report calling for protection of endangered salmonids

MARCH 9, 2001
Bush appoints oil and mining lobbyist as deputy secretary of Interior

MARCH 13, 2001
Bush reneges on campaign promise to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

MARCH 16, 2001
Bush administration refuses to defend in court rule protecting 58 million acres of wild forest

MARCH 20, 2001
Bush withdraws proposed stricter limits on arsenic in drinking water

MARCH 28, 2001
Bush administration rejects Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change

APRIL 9, 2001
Bush budget proposal cuts $500 million from EPA

MAY 10, 2001
Bush administration refuses to name industry participants in Cheney energy task force

MAY 12, 2001
Bureau of Land Management allows continued grazing on endangered-tortoise land in California

MAY 17, 2001
Bush releases energy plan heavily favoring fossil fuels and nukes

MAY 17, 2001
Forest Service reduces citizen and scientific participation in decision-making

MAY 22, 2001
EPA officially suspends stricter limits for arsenic in drinking water

JUNE 19, 2001
States and others sue Energy Department over air-conditioner rules (see FEBRUARY 12, 2001)

JUNE 21, 2001
Timber lobbyist Mark Rey appointed to key post in Forest Service

JULY 2, 2001
Oil drilling off Florida coast proposed by Bush administration

JULY 23, 2001
Bush budget proposes cutting 270 EPA inspector jobs

AUGUST 2, 2001
Army Corps of Engineers kills plan to protect Missouri River wildlife by changing stream flows

AUGUST 8, 2001
Army Corps of Engineers weakens wetlands protections by slackening permit requirements

AUGUST 12, 2001
National forests opened to roadbuilding and logging by Forest Service rule changes

AUGUST 14, 2001
EPA delays tougher rules for toxic power-plant emissions

AUGUST 17, 2001
Federal judge's decision to ban drilling off California's coast appealed by administration

AUGUST 27, 2001
Cattle still grazing on tortoise habitat in California, despite BLM agreement to move them

AUGUST 28, 2001
Bush administration proposes missile-defense test installation in Pacific; environmentalists sue

AUGUST 28, 2001
Bush administration reconsiders ban on recycling radioactive metals into consumer products

SEPTEMBER 13, 2001
EPA lies about Manhattan hazards after 9/11, calls area safe despite extreme toxic pollution

SEPTEMBER 20, 2001
Forest Service proposes further reduction in citizen participation in policymaking

OCTOBER 25, 2001
Interior Department weakens environmental rules for mining operations

OCTOBER 31, 2001
Arsenic flip-flop: Under public pressure, EPA adopts higher standard after all (see MAY 22, 2001)

NOVEMBER 2, 2001
Army Corps of Engineers retreats from policy of "no net loss" of wetlands

NOVEMBER 5, 2001
Bush signs bill to boost spending for national forests, but with harmful logging riders

NOVEMBER 29, 2001
Minnesota's Voyageurs National Park reopens winter lakes to snowmobiles

DECEMBER 3, 2001
Army Corps of Engineers decides not to decommission Snake River dams in Pacific Northwest

DECEMBER 14, 2001
Administration announces weaker standards for nuclear waste storage at Nevada's Yucca Mountain

DECEMBER 14, 2001
Forest Service announces more roadbuilding on undeveloped forestlands

JANUARY 9, 2002
Administration backs hydrogen-car research, but most hydrogen to come from fossil fuels

JANUARY 10, 2002
Study shows big drop in enforcement of environmental laws under Bush

JANUARY 10, 2002
Bush administration fights in court for new oil drilling off California coast

JANUARY 14, 2002
Report shows Interior secretary squelched her own agency's criticism of weaker wetlands rules

JANUARY 14, 2002
Wetlands protections weakened nationwide in flip-flop from Bush campaign promise

JANUARY 14, 2002
Park Service okays more oil drilling in Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve

JANUARY 21, 2002
BLM preliminarily approves gas drilling in Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, Montana

JANUARY 22, 2002
Forest Service sues to overturn ban on salvage logging in Montana's Bitterroot National Forest

JANUARY 28, 2002
Bush supports Cheney's refusal to release secret energy-task-force records

FEBRUARY 4, 2002
Bush slashes environmental-education spending

FEBRUARY 4, 2002
Bush budget proposes cutting $1 billion from environmental spending

FEBRUARY 4, 2002
Bush budget proposes $404 million to support timber sales in national forests

FEBRUARY 11, 2002
Environmentalists sue Park Service for allowing motorized vehicles in Georgia wilderness

FEBRUARY 14, 2002
Bush gives power plants ten more years to cut mercury and sulfur dioxide emissions

FEBRUARY 14, 2002
White House unveils global-warming plan that lets C02 emissions continue at present rate

FEBRUARY 15, 2002
Bush endorses plan to store 77,000 tons of nuclear waste in Nevada's Yucca Mountain

FEBRUARY 15, 2002
Forest Service approves mining exploration in Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest

FEBRUARY 16, 2002
Bush administration asks court to delay endangered-species protection in California

FEBRUARY 19, 2002
Phaseout of snowmobiles in national parks delayed

FEBRUARY 22, 2002
BLM proposes to let states allow vehicles in previously off-limits federal lands

FEBRUARY 23, 2002
Bush's budget asks that taxpayers pay for Superfund cleanups instead of polluters

FEBRUARY 27, 2002
Top EPA official resigns to protest Bush's effort to weaken rules for polluting industries

FEBRUARY 27, 2002
Federal judge orders Bush administration to release Cheney's secret energy-task-force records

MARCH 12, 2002
Bush administration belatedly complies with court order to protect desert tortoise

MARCH 18, 2002
EPA exempts large category of power plants from lawsuits for Clean Air Act violations

MARCH 25, 2002
Discovery that White House misspent $135,612 of clean-energy funds to print its energy plan

MARCH 29, 2002
Pentagon seeks exemption from environmental laws

APRIL 1, 2002
Deadline passes for administration to set first new fuel-economy standards since 1996

APRIL 11, 2002
Army Corps of Engineers approves mining limestone in 5,400 acres of Florida's everglades

APRIL 14, 2002
White House kills program that funded environmental research for graduate students

APRIL 22, 2002
EPA citizen-watchdog resigns in protest, charging that agency |officials muzzled him

MAY 3, 2002
New EPA rules allow mining operations to dump waste in waterways

MAY 13, 2002
Administration asks judge not to limit waste-dumping from mountaintop mines

MAY 13, 2002
Bush signs farm bill that pays big subsidies to polluting agricultural operations

MAY 21, 2002
Ban on mining in and around Oregon's Siskiyou National Forest ends

MAY 23, 2002
Energy Department cuts air-conditioner efficiency standards

MAY 24, 2002
Bush-Putin summit produces nuclear treaty that puts no long-term limit on nuclear weapons

MAY 24, 2002
Bush administration drops plan |for contractors to put environmental protection into projects

JUNE 3, 2002
Oil drilling leases on more than 500,000 acres in Alaska signed by Interior Department

JUNE 7, 2002
Interior secretary rejects proposal to limit offshore oil drilling in California

JUNE 13, 2002
Missouri River restoration halted indefinitely by Army Corps of Engineers

JUNE 13, 2002
EPA proposes weakening clean-air rules for 17,000 power plants

JUNE 13, 2002
Judge halts Bush administration move to end habitat protection on 500,000 acres in California

JUNE 17, 2002
Judge rejects Army Corps of Engineers plan to allow mine-waste dumping

JUNE 24, 2002
EPA abandons plan to clean up storm-water pollution

JUNE 25, 2002
Bush administration blames wildfires on environmentalists

JUNE 25, 2002
Snowmobiling allowed to continue in national parks, though with some restrictions

JUNE 25, 2002
EPA ombudsman testifies Bush administration pressured him to halt study of radiation standards

JULY 1, 2002
Bush administration cuts funding for toxic cleanups to half of that requested by EPA

JULY 2, 2002
Bush administration rescinds 4 million acres of protection for endangered California frog

JULY 10, 2002
Judge orders administration to protect 400,000 Calif. acres for endangered Alameda whipsnake

JULY 15, 2002
Navy given permit to use low-frequency sonar, a known threat to whales

JULY 17, 2002
Bush administration opposes Senate bill to require 10 percent renewable energy by 2020

JULY 22, 2002
Bush's State Department says it will withhold $34 million from UN family-planning program

JULY 25, 2002
Another top EPA official quits in protest

JULY 26, 2002
Bush administration backs congressional proposal to exempt companies from disclosing hazards

AUGUST 7, 2002
EPA proposes weakened water-cleanups; asks for "voluntary" efforts

AUGUST 15, 2002
Conservatives praise Bush for skipping United Nations summit on sustainable development

AUGUST 22, 2002
Interior Department claims new power plant won't harm air at Mammoth Cave National Park, Ky.

AUGUST 22, 2002
Bush calls for increased logging in name of fire prevention

AUGUST 27, 2002
U.S. opposes targets for renewable energy use at World Summit on Sustainable Development

AUGUST 29, 2002
Interior Department approves billion-dollar plan to store water under Mojave Desert

AUGUST 30, 2002
Foe of ecological restoration Allan Fitzsimmons named head of federal wildfire prevention

White House asks exemption from Freedom of Information Act in energy-task-force suit

Federal officials reject call to add white marlin to endangered list

States' EPA air-quality inspections shown to have dropped by 34 percent

SEPTEMBER 13, 2002
EPA weakens proposed anti-pollution standards for off-road vehicles

SEPTEMBER 15, 2002
EPA deletes global-warming section from pollution report

SEPTEMBER 17, 2002
Bush replacing most scientists on chemical-hazard panel with those tied to chemical industry

SEPTEMBER 18, 2002
Bush executive order cuts citizen involvement in review of road and airport projects

SEPTEMBER 21, 2002
Killing of 34,000 salmonids results from federal diversion of Klamath River water in Oregon

SEPTEMBER 27, 2002
Interior secretary okays gold mining on sacred Indian site in California

SEPTEMBER 30, 2002
New EPA water-quality report shows U.S. waters are getting dirtier

OCTOBER 1, 2002
Fish and Wildlife Service reverses order to increase Missouri River flow to protect species

OCTOBER 3, 2002
Conservationists urge White House to release $36.5 million in conservation funds for farmlands

OCTOBER 4, 2002
Bureau of Land Management approves largest oil and gas drilling exploration ever in Utah

OCTOBER 8, 2002
EPA water administrator says war on terror leaves little money for water cleanup

OCTOBER 8, 2002
Bush stacks panel on lead poisoning with people tied to the lead industry

OCTOBER 8, 2002
Federal workers reveal memo from EPA chief encouraging them to support president when off-duty

OCTOBER 9, 2002
Bush administration sides with auto industry in suit against California's emission rules

OCTOBER 10, 2002
Administration failed to assess vulnerability of chemical facilities to terrorists, GAO says

OCTOBER 15 2002
Superfund cleanups drop to 42 per year from average of 76 under Clinton, report shows

OCTOBER 16, 2002
Judge finds Forest Service violates Endangered Species Act by not protecting spotted-owl habitat

OCTOBER 17, 2002
Bush administration told by federal judge to release energy documents in Sierra Club lawsuit

OCTOBER 31, 2002
EPA halts funding at seven Superfund sites

NOVEMBER 1, 2002
Bush administration threatens withdrawal from historic UN population accord

NOVEMBER 5, 2002
Polluters paid 64 percent less in fines under Bush than in last two Clinton years, report shows

NOVEMBER 11, 2002
Bush administration supports renewed elephant-ivory trade

NOVEMBER 12, 2002
National Park Service proposal would allow 1,100 snowmobiles a day in Yellowstone, Grand Teton

NOVEMBER 21, 2002
Natural-gas drilling at Padre Island National Seashore in Texas approved

NOVEMBER 22, 2002
EPA proceeds with weakening Clean Air Act rules for power plants

NOVEMBER 27, 2002
Forest Service proposes rule changes to increase logging, grazing, mining on 192 million acres

DECEMBER 2, 2002
Bush administration plan for oil drilling off California coast ruled illegal by federal judges

DECEMBER 4, 2002
Bush administration asks for five more years of study before acting on global warming

DECEMBER 12, 2002
Federal court rules against administration, upholds roadless rule for 58.5 million acres

DECEMBER 12, 2002
White House proposes tiny increase in automobile fuel economy: 1.5 mpg in five years

DECEMBER 13, 2002
Federal judge blocks Army Corps of Engineers' Snake River dredging plan in Pacific Northwest

DECEMBER 16, 2002
EPA's new factory-farm rule favors big agribusiness polluters

DECEMBER 18, 2002
White House budget office values elderly lives 63 percent less in environmental cost-benefit analysis

DECEMBER 20, 2002
Federal judge blocks Interior Department from permitting oil exploration in eastern Utah

DECEMBER 30, 2002
EPA proposes two-year exemption of oil and gas industry from storm-water pollution rules

JANUARY 6, 2003
Bureau of Land Management rule change gives states leeway for new roads in wildlands

JANUARY 10, 2003
Bush budget requests $6.4 billion for Energy Department's nuclear weapons activity

JANUARY 10, 2003
Bush administration proposes pulling federal safeguards from 20 percent of U.S. wetlands

JANUARY 13, 2003
Pentagon plans to ask for exemption from environmental laws on millions of acres

JANUARY 16, 2003
Environmental personnel scratched from USAID policy bureau

JANUARY 17, 2003
Interior Department proposes oil exploration on up to 9 million acres of Alaska's North Slope

JANUARY 19, 2003
Pentagon continues lobbying for exemptions from environmental laws

JANUARY 21, 2003
EPA refuses to ban weed-killer atrazine, a possible carcinogen

JANUARY 22, 2003
EPA retains unsafe limits for toxic perchlorates

JANUARY 24, 2003
Manatees get federal protection, thanks to lawsuit settlement

JANUARY 27, 2003
Bush administration proposes privatizing thousands of National Park Service jobs

JANUARY 27, 2003
California's giant sequoia threatened by Forest Service proposal to resume logging nearby

JANUARY 29, 2003
Bush administration wins court ruling that legalizes mountaintop-removal mining permits

JANUARY 30, 2003
Bureau of Land Management proposes rollback of Clinton-era restrictions on grazing

JANUARY 30, 2003
Exemptions to phaseout of ozone-destroying methyl bromide planned by Bush administration

FEBRUARY 11, 2003
EPA drafts new rules to relax toxic-air-pollution standards

FEBRUARY 20, 2003
National Park Service finalizes rules allowing snowmobiles in national parks

FEBRUARY 25, 2003
National Academy of Sciences panel strongly criticizes Bush's global-warming plan

FEBRUARY 27, 2003
Bush's "Clear Skies" plan allows much more pollution than if Clean Air Act were enforced, critics charge

FEBRUARY 27, 2003
Transportation Department speeds up environmentally harmful road projects

FEBRUARY 28, 2003
Oil drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge his "greatest wish," says high-ranking Interior official

FEBRUARY 28, 2003
Wilderness protection for millions of acres in Alaska's Tongass forest rejected by Forest Service

MARCH 4, 2003
National Park Service slaughters 231 Yellowstone bison

MARCH 7, 2003
Paul Wolfowitz tells military leaders to find reasons to exempt military from environmental rules

MARCH 10, 2003
EPA exempts oil and gas industry from President Clinton's tighter water-pollution rules

MARCH 13, 2003
EPA withdraws another Clinton-era water-pollution cleanup rule

MARCH 13, 2003
EPA official testifies in Congress in favor of exempting military from environmental laws

MARCH 18, 2003
EPA allows sludge dumping in Potomac River to continue for seven more years

MARCH 18, 2003
Fish and Wildlife proposes removing protections from endangered wolves

MARCH 18, 2003
Federal judge orders Interior Department to continue protecting manatees

MARCH 18, 2003
GAO again criticizes Bush administration for failing to reduce security risks at chemical plants

MARCH 25, 2003
Park Service adopts plan for Yellowstone/Teton allowing1,100 snowmobiles a day

APRIL 1, 2003
Bush administration drops court battle to allow California offshore drilling

APRIL 1, 2003
Bush administration barely raises SUV gas mileage requirements, to 1.5 mpg more by 2007

APRIL 3, 2003
Bureau of Reclamation again diverts water from Klamath River, where salmonid kill occurred

APRIL 4, 2003
New U.S.-Mexico pollution treaty signed, but lacks funding

APRIL 7, 2003
Bush administration asks UN to remove Yellowstone from endangered world heritage status

APRIL 8, 2003
Protection plan for 76-mile stretch of California coast abandoned by National Park Service

APRIL 9, 2003
Interior Department paves way for new roads on federal lands in Utah

APRIL 10, 2003
U.S. Fish and Wildlife signs off on plan to reopen Imperial Sand Dunes to off-road vehicles

APRIL 20, 2003
Toxic cleanups still lagging: 41 percent fewer Superfund sites cleaned up by EPA, report says

APRIL 21, 2003
Sharp criticism of Bush administration air-pollution policies by independent panel

APRIL 24, 2003
White House unveils pro-industry chemical security bill

APRIL 28, 2003
White House bans EPA from discussing perchlorate pollution

MAY 2, 2003
Vehicle fuel economy drops to 22-year low of 20.8 mpg, says EPA report

MAY 2, 2003
Permits for cross-border power lines from Mexican power plants illegal, says federal judge

MAY 5, 2003
Navy's use of sonar causes "stampede"-and possibly death-of marine mammals in Puget Sound

MAY 7, 2003
EPA drops "senior death discount" calculation (see DECEMBER 18, 2002)

MAY 13, 2003
Fish and Wildlife Service signs off on mining in Montana's Cabinet Mountains Wilderness

MAY 14, 2003
White House's $247 billion transportation plan slashes environmental protection

MAY 14, 2003
EPA proposes easing, delaying smog-control rules

MAY 21, 2003
Christine Todd Whitman, embattled EPA chief, resigns

MAY 30, 2003
Park Service opens Maryland and Virginia's Assateague Island National Seashore to Jet Skis

MAY 30, 2003
Forest-fire plan eliminates environmental review of logging projects under 1,000 acres

JUNE 2, 2003
Energy Department announces$2 billion to $4 billion plan to build new "mini" nukes

JUNE 3, 2003
Energy Department funds study on how to ease effects of global warming for Alaska oil drillers

JUNE 5, 2003
Forest Service plan would triple logging limits in California's Sierra Nevada

JUNE 9, 2003
USDA reverses Clinton ban on most logging and roadbuilding on 58.5 million acres

JUNE 20, 2003
Defense Department reneges on plan to test for perchlorate pollution at U.S. bases

JUNE 23, 2003
Bush administration again deletes references to dangers of global warming from EPA report

JUNE 27, 2003
Federal judge halts timber sale in Montana's Kootenai National Forest

JULY 1, 2003
Autopsies link Navy sonar to porpoise deaths, environmentalists charge

JULY 8, 2003
Federal court rejects Cheney's argument for keeping energy-task-force records secret

JULY 12, 2003
EPA refuses to regulate perchlorate and other drinking-water contaminants

JULY 17, 2003
Energy Department lobbies Congress for law to get around court ruling on nuke waste

JULY 17, 2003
Federal judge rules administration must redo water plan for Oregon/California Klamath River

JULY 22, 2003
Army Corps of Engineers ruled in contempt for defying order to change Missouri River flows

JULY 24, 2003
Bush administration softens demand for outsourcing of federal jobs, including at national parks

AUGUST 8, 2003
Bush administration settlement of timber suit could double logging in Northwest

AUGUST 11, 2003
Bush taps anti-environmental Utah governor Mike Leavitt to head EPA

AUGUST 26, 2003
New EPA rules ignore mercury pollution from chlorine plant

AUGUST 27, 2003
EPA excludes 17,000 facilities from upgrading pollution controls when installing new equipment

AUGUST 29, 2003
U.S. court rules against EPA's loopholes in mountaintop-removal-mining regulations

EPA weakens ban on selling polluted sites by reinterpreting law

EPA refuses to regulate ballast-water discharges from ships

EPA finds 274 violations of laws for dumping mountaintop-mining debris

SEPTEMBER 22, 2003
White House's own study concludes benefits of environmental regulations far outweigh costs

SEPTEMBER 23, 2003
Forest Service estimates $2 million lost in timber sale from Alaska's Tongass

SEPTEMBER 24, 2003
White House recommendations would undermine public participation in environmental planning

SEPTEMBER 25, 2003
EPA proposes deal that would let polluting factory farms avoid prosecution

OCTOBER 1, 2003
Bush fails to renew energy-conservation program that saved government $300 million a year

OCTOBER 6, 2003
EPA rules that farmers can't sue pesticide makers if chemicals fail to meet stated claims

OCTOBER 10, 2003
Interior Department overturns limits on acreage where gold mines can dump waste

OCTOBER 10, 2003
Judge orders Interior Department to stop stalling on owl habitat protection

OCTOBER 10, 2003
EPA proposal to allow warmer waters behind Oregon dams threatens salmonids

OCTOBER 10, 2003
EPA inspector general criticizes agency for lax enforcement

OCTOBER 13, 2003
Bush administration proposes lifting ban on importing endangered species

OCTOBER 13, 2003
$18.6 million Forest Service study says outsourcing its jobs would rarely be cost-effective

OCTOBER 17, 2003
EPA announces it will not regulate dioxins in sewage sludge dumped on land

OCTOBER 31, 2003
EPA declines to restrict use of pesticide atrazine

NOVEMBER 4, 2003
Superfund cleanups lag for third straight year

NOVEMBER 4, 2003
Environmentalists criticize revised everglades-recovery plan for failing to ensure natural water flow

NOVEMBER 13, 2003
Park Service workers charge that Bush policies will "destroy the grand legacy of our national parks"

NOVEMBER 14, 2003
Bush administration loses bid to increase ozone-depleting methyl bromide

NOVEMBER 18, 2003
Administration admits blame for kill of 34,000 salmonids in Klamath River (see SEPTEMBER 21, 2002)

NOVEMBER 18, 2003
EPA proposes looser regulations on dumping low-level radioactive waste in landfills

DECEMBER 3, 2003
Bush signs "Healthy Forests" bill: more logging, less species protection on millions of acres

DECEMBER 4, 2003
EPA seeks to reclassify mercury as "nontoxic"

DECEMBER 5, 2003
Bureau of Land Management proposes weakening rules for grazing livestock on federal land

DECEMBER 9, 2003
Federal violation notices to polluters down almost 60 percent; almost 30 percent fewer fines

DECEMBER 16, 2003
White House abandons plans to weaken Clean Water Act protections for wetlands

DECEMBER 17, 2003
Defense Department urged to protect endangered tortoise during robot race

DECEMBER 17, 2003
Federal judge overturns administration decision not to protect orcas in Puget Sound

DECEMBER 19, 2003
Forest Service opens grizzly bear habitat to snowmobiles in Montana's Flathead National Forest

DECEMBER 23, 2003
Forest Service continues to allow logging in Tongass, world's largest temperate rainforest

DECEMBER 24, 2003
Federal court blocks EPA plan to weaken Clean Air Act by exempting power plants from review

JANUARY 1, 2004
Only 50 companies agree to Bush administration's voluntary plan to cut global-warming emissions

JANUARY 8, 2004
$175 million Superfund shortfall prevents cleanups at 11 sites, slows down others

JANUARY 7, 2004
White House proposes overturning ban on mining near streams

JANUARY 9, 2004
Pentagon to seek more environmental exemptions

JANUARY 9, 2004
Forest Service limits citizens' right to challenge logging plans by appeal or in court

JANUARY 13, 2004
Federal court overturns Bush administration's weakening of energy efficiency for air conditioners

JANUARY, 21 2004
Interior secretary asks to triple number of gas-drilling permits in Wyoming

JANUARY 22, 2004
EPA scales back monitoring of smokestack pollution

JANUARY 22, 2004
Interior Department opens 9 million acres on Alaska's North Slope to oil drilling

JANUARY 23, 2004
Forest Service plans to boost logging on up to 3.2 million acres of Appalachian forests

JANUARY 27, 2004
White House says EPA doesn't have to study pesticide effects on imperiled wildlife

JANUARY 29, 2004
Bush administration proposes letting contractors police federal nuclear-plant safety

JANUARY 30, 2004
Parts of EPA's mercury-pollution plan lifted verbatim from industry memos

FEBRUARY 2, 2004
Bush budget proposes $10 million cut in funds for endangered species

FEBRUARY 5, 2004
EPA admits twice as many children (630,000) in danger from mercury exposure

FEBRUARY 6, 2004
Clean Air Act changes undermining enforcement, says former EPA official

FEBRUARY 9, 2004
Energy development allowed inside Colorado and Utah's Dinosaur National Monument

FEBRUARY 11, 2004
Forest Service plan allows mining, drilling in Alabama's national forests

FEBRUARY 13, 2004
EPA no longer to require "worst case scenarios" from industry

FEBRUARY 15, 2004
Forest Service allows poisoning of prairie dogs in four states

FEBRUARY 16, 2004
White House ignores threat from gasoline additive MTBE

FEBRUARY 18, 2004
U.S. Navy plans to dredge endangered turtle habitat in Key West

FEBRUARY 18, 2004
20 Nobel Prize-winning scientists say administration distorts science for political gain

FEBRUARY 24, 2004
Federal mine-safety official demoted after questioning mine accident investigation

FEBRUARY 27, 2004
Missouri River management plan ignores fish protections

MARCH 3, 2004
Administration proposes to relax rules on killing wolves in Idaho and Montana

MARCH 9, 2004
358 conservation scientists urge administration to halt plan to import endangered species

MARCH 10, 2004
Forest Service hires PR firm to promote Sierra Nevada plan that would triple logging

MARCH 11, 2004
EPA inspector general says agency's rosy drinking-water assessments used false data

MARCH 12, 2004
Forest Service relents: no snowmobiles in grizzly habitat in Montana's Flathead National Forest

MARCH 15, 2004
Court rules BLM illegally opened Montana area to off-road vehicles

MARCH 16, 2004
EPA approves plan to inject toxic waste underground in Michigan wells

MARCH 19, 2004
FDA warnings on mercury in tuna not strong enough, scientists charge

MARCH 24, 2004
NRDC sues Bush administration for withholding records on perchlorate in drinking water

MARCH 25, 2004
BLM suspends plans for energy development at Dinosaur National Monument, Colo. and Utah

MARCH 26, 2004
Delay in phaseout of dangerous methyl bromide pesticide negotiated by United States

MARCH 30, 2004
Federal court orders Bush administration to release forest-planning documents

MARCH 31, 2004
Federal judge orders Energy Department to release more Cheney energy-task-force records

MARCH 31, 2004
EPA prosecution of environmental crimes even weaker under new administrator

APRIL 1, 2004
Bush administration worked behind scenes to weaken European Union chemical safety rules

APRIL 1, 2004
Mining whistleblower accuses Bush administration of cover-up in huge coal-sludge spill

APRIL 2, 2004
Bush administration sells 155 acres in Colorado to Phelps Dodge Corporation for $875

APRIL 6, 2004
EPA weakens safety rules for rat poison at industry's behest

APRIL 7, 2004
White House downplays effects of mercury from coal-fired power plants

APRIL 8, 2004
Interior secretary allows aerial hunting of Alaska wolves to continue

APRIL 9, 2004
Interior Department blocks release of data on oil drilling to Environmental Working Group

APRIL 11, 2004
Bush administration budget asks for $35 million cut in lead-poisoning prevention

APRIL 13, 2004
Administration spending more on nuclear weapons research than in Cold War, report says

APRIL 15, 2004
Fish and Wildlife Service rejects protection for Yellowstone trumpeter swans

APRIL 19, 2004
39 state attorneys general urge denial of Pentagon's request for environmental exemptions

APRIL 20, 2004
Yellowstone Park employees advised to wear hearing protection from snowmobile noise

APRIL 22, 2004
National Council of Churches strongly criticizes Bush's air-pollution policies

APRIL 28, 2004
USDA weakens organic-food standards, allowing hormones, feed raised with pesticides

APRIL 28, 2004
Interior Department limits designations of critical habitat for endangered species

APRIL 29, 2004
Report shows that more than half of all Americans live in areas with hazardous levels of smog

MAY 3, 2004
Power companies have raised $6.6 million for Bush, Republicans, report says

MAY 12, 2004
Scientists say Yucca Mountain nuclear facility could leak far sooner than Energy Department claims

MAY 21, 2004
Whistle-blowing federal biologist quits over politicized decision-making

MAY 21, 2004
EPA officials with timber ties weaken toxic formaldehyde standards for plywood industry

MAY 26, 2004
USDA backs down, keeps organic-food standards (see APRIL 28, 2004)

MAY 27, 2004
U.S. Army retracts order to cut some environmental-protection practices

MAY 28, 2004
Army Corps lets sewers, ditches "mitigate" loss of streams to mountaintop-removal mining

MAY 28, 2004
A dozen major national parks hit by cutbacks to visitor services and staffing

JUNE 1, 2004
Federal court rejects EPA's proposed snowmobile standards

JUNE 1, 2004
Administration delays greater protection for marbled murrelet to benefit timber industry

JUNE 2, 2004
Exemption of military from migratory-bird-protection rules proposed by administration

JUNE 2, 2004
New EPA rules allow more fine-particle pollution from 1,000 industrial plants

JUNE 3, 2004
Bush's 2005 budget zeroes out funding for research on abrupt climate change

JUNE 7, 2004
Bush wins ruling to allow Mexican trucks into U.S. without meeting clean-air standards

JUNE 8, 2004
Reduction in Snake and Columbia River water releases, harming Northwest salmon, announced

JUNE 15, 2004
Administration's pro-oil, pro-nuke energy proposal stalled in Congress

JUNE 24, 2004
Supreme Court ruling allows Cheney to keep energy-task-force secrets until after election

JULY 8, 2004
Bush team pushes one of biggest timber sales in U.S. history under guise of fire protection

JULY 12, 2004
Administration proposes forcing states to pay 2.5 times more for public transit than for roads

JULY 12, 2004
Administration to eliminate Clinton-era roadless rule, ending protections for 58.5 million acres

JULY 16, 2004
Fish and Wildlife Service to end protection for eastern wolves and abandon reintroduction plans

JULY 16, 2004
Bush refuses to release $34 million for international family planning appropriated by Congress

okay he cut the EPA's budget but everyone freaks out when Kerry (who is not president and can only vote on an issue) votes to cut the militaries budget, when we have the largest military budget in the world?

and you know that the man must be really bad for the environment when i get a phone call from the sierra club asking how i feel about the environment and having them campaigning against Bush.

i dunno. this is just an environmentalist's stance on the issue.
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