Drabble - The Sweet Scent

May 17, 2013 15:23

Title: The sweet scent

Pairing: JunxOhno (Juntoshi)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: PG (for kissing)

Words count: 900-ish

Summary: Jun and Ohno went shopping.

A/N: Sorry, Un-beta’d. It’s been a while since I wrote Juntoshi, kind of missing this pair >< Ah, the idea was popped up when I went shopping with a friend to buy perfume. Oh, LJ fails me and I didn’t know if my message safely delivered to showjuro or not. I’ll say it here, Happy Belated Birthday, girl! I wish you happiness <3
I hope you like it, comments are love :D

The Sweet Scent

They had been standing in front of the perfume counter for more than an hour now, the fashionable man, Jun, had tried various kind of products in the store, making his company, Ohno annoyed. Jun realized it, but he didn’t want to be rushed and enjoy the time he spend looking for the best choice he could find here.

Ohno wasn’t the type of person to spend fucking hours shopping, so Jun had to drag him to. It’s been a long time since they both had the same day off and Jun wanted them to spend some quality time together. It’s just that Jun suddenly had the urge to get himself a new perfume, no matter what.

Glancing at his boyfriend, Jun chuckled mockingly, “Don’t pout like that. I don’t want people to find you too cute they can kidnap you away.”

“You’re taking too long,” he complained, after holding back. “Just pick one already ‘cause I’m bored to death, and my legs won’t compromise with me any longer.”

Well, Jun knew that. It wasn’t that he couldn’t make up his mind and just bring one of his favorite cologne to the register, and go home. But he wanted something else this time. He deliberately took his sweet time to make the older one pissed, and who knew, he’d get Ohno chose something for him. However, it seemed like the older didn’t follow his plan, and the one started to be impatient was none but Jun himself.

So he got to get another idea.

Jun slowly slung his long arm around the small shoulder of Ohno, pulling him close possessively, “You sure have a lot of words coming from your small mouth sometimes,” he whispered. “And don’t give me that, Satoshi, I know you could manage to stand on your lovely boat for 24 hours straight, you’re not even a convenience store, God, I’m amazed. Oh, was it because Shige was the one keeping you company?”

His tone was strangely sharp, and fierce. Jealousy that Jun couldn’t hide very well, but he loved to do this to Ohno, at times, because it felt so nice to intimidate his boyfriend. After all, he was not called a DoS for no reason.

“That’s- That’s different,” Ohno stuttered, and sighed in defeat.

“Lovely,” Jun exclaimed, satisfied of himself taking control over the older. “Wait a little bit more. I’ll get to find what I’ve been looking for.”

Ohno nodded at Jun’s promise.

Jun barely hid his smirk, and continued teasing the man, “I just need to find Toma’s perfume, and we can head home after.”

At the mention of Toma’s name, Jun could feel Ohno’s body became tensed, alerted.

“W-What about Toma’s perfume?”

He knew Ohno would react to that. He faked a cough, cleared his throat and sprayed another one on to his wrist. “Ah, well,” he paused for a brief moment, letting himself examining the new yet familiar scent before he answered Ohno’s question. “He smelled so nice last time we had a drink, but he wouldn’t tell me what perfume was he put on, so I think I just have to guess it myself.”

Ohno went silent. He untangled himself from Jun’s hold and wandered off around the store.

Unlike the image Ohno had on TV, he actually was a quite impulsive person. Sometimes he got jealous easily, and he didn’t bother to hide it, or he thought he had hid it ~perfectly~ that no one could notice it, but hey, it’s Ohno after all. And it was so easy for Jun to see the sign, to see that right now something had burned inside his boyfriend. Damn, the sensation was way beyond imagination it made Jun’s stomach filled with excitement for what to come next.

Jun picked a random perfume from the counter and walked towards Ohno. “I’ve found what I want, let’s pay and we-“

Ohno shoved something onto Jun’s chest, “Not that one. This one is what we’re going to pay for.”

I won, Jun thought.

Jun was already waiting on the bed when Ohno exited the bathroom that night. He patted Ohno’s space few times, telling the older to join him there, and without much hesitation Ohno crawled, filling the empty space with his weight.

The older laying on his stomach, face was getting closer to Jun’s as he positioned himself to a comfortable one. Jun thought he was about to be kissed, but Ohno stopped halfway when he reached Jun’s neck, and smelled the scent.

“Uhm, smells nice,” Ohno smiled.

“I still want Toma’s though, this one makes me smell like Nino’s favorite bread,” Jun pretended to sigh heavily, but laughed when his boyfriend lowered his face, locked his eyes at now his fidgeting fingers, pursed his lips into a small pout.

He murmured, “Melon smells so sweet, though.”

“Mm,” Jun raised an eyebrow, tried his best not to laugh. “You can give me better than that.”

“Well,” Ohno’s cheeks reddened as he went on, “I... don’t want my boyfriend to share the same cologne with other guys.”

The smile on Jun’s face became wide, “In other words, it was out of jealousy?”

“You can put it like that, I guess.”

Ohno grinned. And Jun couldn’t help but landing a small kiss on Ohno’s slightly parted lips. But before it got too late (and they might end up spending all night without rest), Jun pulled away and held Ohno close, felt the warmth that brought them to their slumber.

pairing: juntoshi, l: drabble, fan fiction

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