Drabble - Unsent letters

Mar 31, 2013 19:17

Title: Unsent Letters

Pairing: NinoxOhno (Ohmiya)

Rating: G

Genre: AU

Summary: Ohno and Nino were once inseparable best friends, not until Ohno followed his call to be a successful artist that forced them to part.

A/N: Un-beta’d. Angst. Weird. Sorry for the lack of effort. Also, one line was shamelessly taken from a friend’s words. I hope you don’t mind. ><

Comments are so much loved. Concrits are appreciated. I hope you enjoy this. :)

To Nino,

Hi? It’s been a while, isn’t it?

How have you been?

I’m busy with the upcoming exhibition next month. They won’t let me rest (laugh).

How’s your day? Still the same as ever? Spending hours in front of your TV playing Wii? Or jerking off watching porn at the internet?

You should get a life, already, Nino (laughs).

Now you must be wonder why I write you a letter instead of texting that require less time and money? Letters are romantic, that’s why (shy).


I’ve missed you so much.

I get lonely whenever I think of the times we spent together. Having you around is the only way I can be my true self.

Nino, do you feel the same?

Nino, remember when we’re about to part? I cried hard. I didn’t want to leave you. You’re the only reason I didn’t want to be successful. You’re the only reason I didn’t mind working at convenient store nearby, as long as we still could see each other.

I didn’t want to think a day where I couldn’t see your face whenever I wanted to.

I always wanted to be by your side, made sure you’re not alone when you’re going through a hard time.

And I still am thinking that way.

Without you I’m just a dead body working my ass off, making cash.

My life has been boring.

Eating is no longer fun without you. Eating is just… eating.

With you, I shared. We used to eat from the same plate, didn’t we? I also fed you when your hands were occupied with your DS. And you did the same when I was busy with my sketchbook. Never know before that eating can be this boring.


I’ve missed you so bad.

So bad I can’t help but crying. And you’re cold to me lately. Why don’t you text me as much as before? Are you busy?

Nino, to tell you the truth… I’m scared.

I always think myself as someone important for you. Am I wrong?

Now that we’re apart, has your feeling changed?

Am I still your number one? Because you’ll always be my number one, Nino.

I tried to replace you with someone else. It just didn’t work. It’s either they’re just not as good as you, or it’s just me who don’t let them in.

Like my friend said, that’s what soul mate is.

“Your other half.

No one is supposed to take their spot.”

But then I asked myself… are we soul mates?

It’s laughable, isn’t it? I can easily answer it. What I feel right now is the only answer for that. I don’t know how about you, though.

I remember when you said you wanted something more than friend in our relationship. I just could laugh at that time. “You can’t be serious!” I thought.

I didn’t know at the time, that I also could fall in love with you. But you just didn’t want to do anything with it the moment I realized my own feeling for you.

I still hold on to you, though, even now. I still hope for you to return my feeling. I just want… more.

I know. Even if your feeling remained the same, we couldn’t be together. You made yourself clear.

But let me keep what I desire deep inside my heart, it’s still my own feelings, after all and don’t let it bother you. I don’t want anything from you unless you give it to me yourself.

As long as I know that I’m still your number one. It’s enough.



Ohno put the pen down, silently wiped the tears running down his cheeks. He folded the piece of paper he just finished writing on and shoved it inside the brown envelope.

He sighed heavily.

He opened up the drawer, put the letter inside along with other letters he couldn’t manage to send.

All were for Nino.

pairing: ohmiya, l: drabble, fan fiction

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