drabble to say HI :D

Jun 04, 2011 23:37

Title: Shoot me! I can’t come up with something :(
Length: 300-ish
Pairing: None. Well, ArashixOhno. Okay. Ohmiya. I’m biased XD and one more pairing if you squint hard :D
Rating: PG
Genre: Friendship
Summary: nah, it’s just short
A/N: Just to release my stress a bit, cause of writing my thesis. Just to celebrate how happy I am right now, in a way. Just to say hi to you all XD And, Unbeta-ed. And it's just my delusion XD none of these is a fact.

Here, enjoy!

These are the question's given for Arashi members during interview

Reasons why Ohno Satoshi is special:

Sho said: When I was in a badmood and feeling so down, Aiba-chan would try to cheer me up, Jun would give me some space alone, Nino would give me advices (when it's needed, or he'd just keep practising magic). But Satoshi would just sit there, right by my side.

Aiba said: Everyone would think whatever I do is stupid ("Yet it's still fun to watch," Nino noted), other would think it's just a waste of time ("and money," the MatsuJun added), and some people would support me ("You can always count on me!" Sho said while doing his kachikachi ya zo pose). But Leader would enjoy it with me.

Jun said: I admire Sho-kun for being the one who managed to graduate from college while doing idol activities with us. And as to the weak person I am in the morings, I always envy Aiba-chan who's always full of energy. Despite the fact that we both are doing pretty good in acting, I can't help but feeling so small to Nino who's made his debut in Hollywood. Only to Leader, I feel those mixed feelings. I admire everything about him. I envy his carefree attitude. I feel so small and proud at the same time, to hear him sing and dance, and put us together no matter how hard I try to be the ideal leader for us.

Nino said: When I need someone to discuss with, Sho-kun will do. When I need someone to pay my lunch, Aiba will do. When I need someone to show off my carrier to, it's going to be be Jun-kun. But there's only one person, who can fulfill all my "needs". (Then Nino literally jumped on Ohno Satoshi)


So how's life everyone? good?
Life is kinda being harsh to me right now. Family matters, school, friendship, etc.
Despite all of those things, there's always something good happens. It's enough to cheer me up XD
Sorry that I've been a bad friend, but believe me, I still be around cause I can't really leave fandom. But still, I was like "huh? a new song" when sarah tweeted about arashi's latest song. I didn't know >,< and I haven't downloaded it yet :P
And recently I've been into Anime, any recommendation, anyone? anime with yaoi hints or yaoi or shounen ai will be♥

ohchan you're nino's fluffy pillow, jun loves his riidaa, pairing: yamapair, random, why teddy bears have no special tag?, fan fiction

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