Yipppiiieeee~ XD meme~ meme~

Jan 31, 2010 12:01

zuu was tagged by syuuu~ bokunosubete

The rules are simple:
1.Write down 25 things about you that you don't think most of your flist knows.
2.Even if they are weird, post them
3.Tag 35 people to do the same *zuu is breaking the ruleeee~* :

aahhh!!! it turned out to be six!!! XDDDD *runs and hides*

This is mine...

Well, it's not really himitsu, i think... XDDD

1. I've once a soccer lover, from elementary school until... 9th grade, or 10th grade,,, and was in a soccer team too in my 6th grade XD

2. I love some tokusatsu like kabuto and den-o...

3. Umm...*runs out of idea XD* AH! I grew only 4cm in 9 years!!!! CAN'T YOU BELIEVE THAT??? AAAAAAHHHHHHH... POOR MEEEEEHHH~

4. am easily falling in love, *maybe some of you already know this*. XD

5. Ryo chan was my ichiban before for almost 1 and half a year...

6. I've once liked TeGODshi, that's before I knew Arashi and Kanjani8, and it's only for... a week? XDDD

7. I have a apron-fetish EEEWWWWWWWW....moeee~ moeeee~ *now is imagining Ohno wearing it, the pink one pweeeaasseee!!!!* ♥♥♥♥♥ aaahhh kkyaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~

8. My Ohchan's hardisk is only left about 2 giga.... his C drive... AAARRRGGGGHHHH... *cries in the corner*

9. I don care bout fashion. Not even my clothes. Seriously. I just wear what my Dad gave me or my Mom bought me. And I shopped my own cute dress(?) with masakichi lately...LOL *hight ten with ohchan* I took picture of it... XD

10. I don do make-up. I just don. It just makes my face look terrible =_=" I just put baby powder called 'B&B kids', the kiwi melon one ♥ chooo fruity~ XD and hand and body lotion ehehehe... and spray a cologne called 'B&B kids' it smells like buble gum ♥

11. I spent my scholarship mostly to buy CDs and DVDs... when I realised it... it's just few, barely to buy snacks and chocolates... T_T

12. I have a terrible toothache... T_T me, always ran away from dentist since i was lil kid... and now my teeth is on the edge... and my friend told me to go to see dentist... but... choo koowweeeiii... T_T yadaaaaa... i think i need to fill it... but yadaaa... T_T

13. I've liked someone for years now, and we're so complicated until now... and am thinking to get over this. I just, don brave enough to tell him... =_=" besides... I really do LOVE ohchan rite now... ♥ and I do not want anyone elseee~ >////<

14. I... haven't got outside for almost...a week or more...i think. I went to eat outside with friends on Thu last week... and since then, am at home allll the time~ what am I doing, really....

15. In my wallet, ne... right now... there's only Rp 1400, uh... in yen... it's... around 14 yen XDDDDD ahahahaha... zukko is sooo poooorrrrr XDDDD have no money dakedo HAPPY XDDD

16. am addicted to coffee... I need to drink two or three cups of coffee everyday...

17. I kiss Ohchan's posters in my room and always get horny BUWAHAHAHAHAHA~ btw... this is the view everytime i wake up... XD who won't get horny? >/////< ♥

18. I only can drink something cold... iced water, iced tea, *ah, i drink coffee with ice cubes too, if not, I don make it hot, just warm enough* am a nekojita XD cant eat/drink something hot...

19. i have a habit... if i use something, i'll use it until it worn out. I always try to treasure what I have. sometimes ne, when Mom bought me shoes, I just wear it once, and I always think that what I have is better... I used a bag from 6th grade till 9th grade... XD

20. I love stuffed animals fufufufu... I never admit it to anyone, really. Stuffed animals in my room were all birthday presents from friends... but I always ended up saying 'whaaat? stuffed animals? again? aaah... i don like it...' but i think they know I like it, since they always give me stuffed animal again the next year XD...

21. Like #20, I really am annoying. Sometimes, in some cases, I just can't say what i feel straightly. It happens a lot when I'm happy and i do it to cover that am embarrassed... hhh...

22. Syu said she hates people that picky about food... T_T i can't eat carrots... T_T and i hate it. I don understand its taste, though ppl say it's sweet and delicious, i even tried to juice it... I ended up puking. T_T I don like half-cooked eggs... yada... and I can't eat spicy foods, really. Uuuhhh... i think I need hypnotize mirror XD

23. People keep mistaking me as a elementary student or mid schooler... t_t blame my height T_T chooo shortyyyy... but i guess it's better than being called 'Madam' hehehehe... *no offense to someone XD*

24. yoosshhh two more XD ummm... I was a j-rock lovers. Hahaha, even now maybe. Gazette and Gackt and Laruku and Kaggra, and Kra, and of course B'z and Miyavi XD love 'em XDDDDDDDD ♥

25. I need to pee now. Ahahahaha, is that a secret?

when i say ME you say ME♥MEME, random

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