This is a short tiny post, sort of to remind myself that I'm still alive, and that I've got posts I want to make here (talk about totemism and why it appeals to me, make contact with the local Asatru and ADF groups and find out if they're cool or not. ADF does look cool. Their deity set-up as I understand it on the website seems a little bit too syncretic for my tastes, but I think I'm gonna try and get off work on the Solstice or whenever it was and go to their ritual then to see. That public ritual thing is a policy I can well understand and appreciate, even if I can see why it would also make grumbling.
Oh. And I need to tell the story of My Wallet At The Airport, and talk about Mom and Thanksgiving.
Hmm...I think I'll see you all again on, say, Wednesday night, after the poster presentation is finished for Psych 332. And I'm actually working on things this time, rather than pretending to, being scared that I'll screw up, doing the work at the last minute with much more late-night angst, stress, and self-flagellation* than necessary.
*No, I don't actually hurt myself. Except for the unnecessary sleep deprivation. Which I'm accidentally indulging again. So good night!