(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 22:21

So I'm going to whip out a it's-finally-good-and-spring HOORAY! post because, well, life has been pretty awesome. The plums and forsynthias are in bloom, I had a killer time hanging out at Turning Wheel with Jess and John and two other neat people that happened to wander in. We played Pass-the-Energy-Ball, which was a fun first. I am returning home from Turning Wheel with a beautiful little bowl made out of some kind of deep green stone; I'd like to make it an offering bowl of some kind, it's got a really earthy mossy shade-under-trees look and feel to it. Maybe I'll just keep some dirt in it and burn incense.

In a bit, they'll be arriving with Kristen and someone else I don't know in tow, and we're going to have popcorn and pizza and 80's cartoons marathon thing. He-Man and She-Ra and Gem, and all that.

I'm also blogging now to get one last gasp of the word out about the content strike many LJ users will be participating in, in protest of many of the recently enacted policies, such as the removal of the Basic account option for new users and the attempt to pass this by the community with nary a word said. I rarely blog as it is, so I figured that a post today, and perhaps a post the day after tomorrow, will help make the point.
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