Aug 11, 2008 23:53
Last Saturday I helped out my old drama group with an Eisteddfod play. We went alright, although the adjuducator didn't think we reacted to things enough, which is a shame because that's one of the things I think I do the best (since I'm not the world's most amazing actress). But it's still cool to get that out of the way, 'cause now I can concentrate on Sharon Hill (my new drama group)! We're doing monologues this term. :)
I bought The Preset's new single, This Boy's in Love, on Saturday too. The clip features two dudes wrestling shirtless in green-tinged milk! And at the end, one of the guys drowns the other in the milk! "DRINK YO' MILK, BOY!" >=D
I've started my new Semester at TAFE, which is cool. A whole new semester for the awesome study-duo of Manda [mah metal-loving TAFE friend] and Zuki! Whahaha! We're not doing many projects yet at the moment, which is thoroughly disconcerting. Although I'm working on a Film and Media studies project where we need to analyse genres and analyse two movies from our chosen genre. Fairly standard stuff, but it's still pretty fun. I'm going to do Oklahoma! and Sweeney Todd, and analyse musicals. We also got to watch The Maltese Falcon today, and I really liked it. No stereotypical and happy romantic ending!
Today I also did one of my favourite things--Op shop! I found this kickass long-coat-jacket. It's a dark charcoal pinstripe, and very tightly waisted. Gorgeous! $8, but it was worth it. ;P
I'm trying to make myself write stuff, even if it's just fanfiction, or tiny drabbles, or something. Because the only way I'm going to get out of boring, theoretical essay-style story writing is if I write!
Here's my favourite. I'm experimenting with all sorts of fandoms, but obviously this is the most prevalent.
Title: Spark
Fandom: Psychonauts
Character/s: Boyd Cooper
Warnings: Spoilers for Boyd’s first memory vault. Also, it's shorter than Oleander. Really. Hey, I'm trying. As a bonus, though, completely 100% slash free! Zuki's promise!
“You’re fired”
Those two words kept ringing in his ears, pounding in his head. Fired. He had been fired. Again.
He thought he’d been doing well with this one. He had worked hard, guarded the store carefully and cheerfully, avoided any form of insubordinance. He’d warded off all of those disgusting buyers with their sticky fingers and suspicious, staring eyes. He’d done everything he thought was asked of him. What was it that his mom always told him? It’s not your fault.
Oh, he’d give them fired.
Well, that's it from me. I'll post next time something exciting happens (ha ha)!
op-shop find!,
fanfic crap,
boyd cooper is made of win