Oct 08, 2009 12:04
Bobita- East Indian witch (under illusion she was the Maharani and I her slave.) made my getaway in middle of night with keys taken for ransom.
Puerto Rican layworker , slightly philosophical. Met him in the late night bookstore. Made me very horny until he stood up and I saw his damn gut. All I could think of was Madonna's description of how she once fucked a fat man and it was very , very uncomfortable. I don;t necessarily like that kind of lashing out against men --but it did kill the moment.
note: sex book / backlash on womens Lib or whatever
Black Writer, ex boxer- second night in a row at the late night bookstore. Gave me wrting tips and showed me millions of pages of his self help anecdotes on life for the simple man over a course of several hours. Kept me till closing at midnight, followed me out, tried to make me dance. Provided me with his secret process of how he finds free thigns in Ny and he pointed out to me that there is a plethora of them!! (thanks for that).Argued a good while about a statement he made: look around and you see more white folk reading.. the hunger for knowledge is deeper than it is for the black folk. Wish I hadn;t tossed his number on 66th at Broadway because I fantasize about sending him my written rebuttle to that crazy idea.
Hungry and Tired / NOt Angry and tired Indian Taxi driver- (gave me some confidence on my way to the final meeting with the Indian witch!)
Amelia-(using ficiticuous name becasue of her fame) Sweet Artist Motherly Saviour living life I have dreamed of. The sane version of the Insane. Showing me the REAL way here.
Wrestler Con Man with thick NY accent. - big huge muscle man. Gave me damn good work out. If you pay enough- I think you can find what you need in this city. I walk by his gym everyday in fear that he will attempt torture on me for not being conned into his crazy training package.Somehting very fake about him, but somethign also very sweet too.I kinda wish I could confront him and we could be friends.