Dissidia 2

Dec 19, 2009 03:29

Ive been thinking about what would I like to see on a hypothetic Dissidia 2,  what could it have to make it better, I do realise that some of my Ideas are way over the top, but I think that it would be nice, this is what I would like to see:
  • --XI, XII & XIII must get their own individual story mode: you know, Shantotto  gets to fight a bad guy form her own game, Promathia just for naming one,Gabranth gets to fight a hero, in this case, it should be Vaan, since Gabranth killed Recks, and Lightning gets to fight whoever  the main bad guy is,  I just hope that is not a fal Cie, or better said, that the bad guy gets a human like form....
  • -- bigger and fully explorable world merged world: enough with "jumping" from one scenario to another, I want a real world, with seas, deserts, forest, caves, and such,  but to avoid losing the battle scenarios, I though of this, a merged world from all 13 worlds, ( got that from a fic, actually) so you got  like Balamb island [VIII] close to Lix [V] or something like that or to have each game its "section" on the planet,  like,  Here is Cornelia and the old Chaos shrine [I] and over there is Rabanastre and the sky city of bhujerba [XII], oh and more than 2 npcs...
  • --monsters, not just mannequins: alright, theres this army of manequins, but on a full world, it would be awesome if we get a selection of several monsters, and not just the clasics...
  • --means of transportation: Chocobos, boats, ships, cars, airships, gardens, etc, if we get a real, fully explorable world and not just random arenas, we should have ways to move around, other that walking...
  • --mini games: wouldnt be so cool to have things like chocobo racing in the game?
  • --secret unlockable characters that are important plot wise ( aka, heavier plot, not just battle cycle thingy): each hero, and some villians, should have interactions with another important character of his/her game, (or another game) and by completing certain requirements said character becomes playable, so you can use it on arcade mode, level him/her up and stuff, like Gabranth and Shantotto...  
  • --villain switch:  to keep things fresh, there should  be some changes on Chaos side, like for example Seymour gets in, and Jecht gets out, or Golbez gets out and, Kain gets in, in addition you can unlock the "old" characters
  • --better alternate outfits, not just color swaps: wol, Cecil, Zidane, Ultimecia, Kefka, etc, their alternate outfit are just palette swaps,  for wol for example, he could have the look of the warrior sprite in FFI, or also the look of the warrior on the FMV for the antologies... 
  • --parties & special moves: since  in all final fantasy games, bar crisis core, you have a party, wouldn't it be cool to be able to use the in game parties, and get some special moves from combining 2 attacks from 2 different characters, kh2 style?, at leas for multilayer mode...
  • -- more depth to I & III: since wol and onion knight are the generic warriors it would be nice if they had more characterization, like giving them canon names for a start...
and for all that to fit into one single cd, maybe it should be on PS3,


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