Jul 06, 2009 10:50
Dating exclusions
Things that will exclude you from being able to date me.
1. Shoes
Gladiator sandles - strappy may be hot in a pair of heels but it looks ridiculous when its summer and your walking around with leather bondage feet and ankles and sometimes up half of your calf.
Birkenstocks - does anyone still wear these... thankfully not.
Uggs - I have no problem with uggs... in the winter... just not when combined with denim short shorts or a miniskirt... make up your freaking mind... are you cold or hot?
2. Hair
Length - If my hair is longer than yours then sorry. I don't date old women or young boys. guess what ladies its a primeval instinct that all men have within them that associates long hair with fertility. Older women cant grow out long hair... see where im going with this?
Color - the blond on top brunette on bottom is UGLY! sorry but i see right through your attempt to confuse me. never mind if the curtains match the drapes... the curtains dont even match themselves!
amount - please try and leave something up to my imagination. just because you got your boobs done and spend 12342324 hours in the gym doesn't give you the right to walk around half naked.
Fanny packs - unless you got the whole 80s outfit on as a joke don't even bother.
to be continued.... (feel free to add to this in comments)