
Nov 22, 2003 10:26

Well I'm a few seconds from being whisked away to Dunsborough now, Tim should be here any minute. An hour ago I thought I would be taking my dad's car, but Tim's folks are going to drive us. Muchos good. This means a) petrol money is minimal b) police road blocks wont be as big a problem.

I just did a test because I'm bored:

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||| 54%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 62%
Borderline |||||||||| 34%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 62%
Narcissistic |||||| 30%
Avoidant |||||||||||||| 58%
Dependent |||||||||||| 42%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42% Take Free Personality Disorder Test

So yeah. Leavers eh. I would rather be asleep right now than go there, but that'll change once I'm assured a spot in the caravan park. I'm going in illegally you see, and some dodgy tricks are going to be needed to be pulled. If that makes sense. Meh, I'll manage. And if I don't, I'm screwed, simple.

The last week and a bit have been a complete and utter blur/shambles/waste of time. Yesterday I picked up my car (dad's girlfriends, but I use it often) from the mechanic, with the help of Niel, and drove home. Then we decided to go back to the Bullcreek area, and on the freeway I got pulled up by a nice po-lice man. Who gave me a yellow sticker. Woohoo, I thought, 24 hours till I leave for Leavers, and this car is un-roadworthy as of Thursday. Excellent! I didn't think it could get much more shitly. Then the car stopped working on bullcreek drive. We abandoned it (me and niel) and walked our separate ways.

Tim, Sama and I walked back, jump started it, and it ran beautifully. Then after a while (including dinner and leavers discussion at tims) we went to TJ's, for spaghetti and conversation. Where his big playful pooch happened to get onto a table and take my car keys. We saw him munching on them at the window, and went and took them off him... to see that the immobiliser had been chewed up, the important bit missing. Without this, the car won't start.

I wish there was a happy ending, and there may well be, but we're not there yet. Everyone helped push the car into TJ's driveway, and it is still there today. The RAC were going to charge me $160 for a years membership without even having a look at the car's immobiliser, so that was out of the question. I ended up getting a lift with Aaron, Nancy, Kon and Mitch. To my place, where they smoked cones and drank while I cleaned up from my gathering the night before.

Wow, what a mammoth post considering I'm about to walk out the door.

So yeah, whack. Everyone left about... 1:30, I was asleep by 2. Got up at 7:40 this morning to clean the house and START PACKING. Which I have now completed. Disastorously (sp?), the tent we had planned has disappeared. My tent. Not there. Meh. Tim's bringing one instead.

My farm work begins on Thursday next week. Hard laborous days, beginning at the crack of dawn picking fruit off trees, how excellent. That may not sound great, but $1500 for two weeks is alright I would think. And that's on average, if I were to work my ass off (as is my intention) I could make $2000 I reckon. That'd be good. I'd buy a car, so I don't have to put up with the shit of this one. Mmm.

I was about to say that last night was my first sober night since exams, but that would be a lie, I had a bucket. Damn. Tonight maybe? RATOFLIO.

Well, that's about all I have to say about that. Tim should be here any second and I'm sitting on the friggin net. Ciao, have a choice week eh?

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