
Jul 15, 2005 09:32

Soo, this is my third day of being part of my little online community thingy.
So far I believe that I can say it has been sucessful. However...

I think the yahoo groups time thingy might be messed up or maybe it is on my account or something. Also the current set up is defintily geared towards the stay @ home / work @ home / home schooling mom kinda groups - cuz it seems really perfect for them. it's pretty easy to adapt but I jsut wish that I could get the loads of reminder emails at a useful time -- now i can only get stuff @ work and most stuff comes in the late evening.

it would be a super awesome system if you could select your group type (which I think they are working on) or maybe even kinda program your schedule into that kinda system. -- which I guess you can with outlook calendar and stuff -- I dunno I think I'll find very creative ways to adjust this to the life of a college student/working girl -- there's gonna be a bit of a strech when it comes to the meal parts of the thingy once I'm in the door but it's quite useful now.

SHIT! I need to do my reports ... eh... I'll do it this weekend.

Basically it's a little place full of lotsa good ideas that I need to work into little habits to help keep myself sane and stop getting overwhlemed with the plethora of things that I need to do. I mean I know it's only been 3 days but so far I'm doing really good and I don't suddenly realize that I'm 10 minutes late and wonder wtf the time went. It's nice to be on SOME kind of schedule and have things half way under control -- this is a very different world.

You know people get onto college students for being lazy and having way more free time than they say they do and really for the most part that's total bullshit because most of us have these outrageously sporatic "schedules" (which change almost daily) that are 14-16 hours days where we rack out minds and push our bodies to the limit because some professor got his schedule fukd up and we now have a huge test that we thought was a week away and had scheduled a group meeting for speech and figured we'd have this time to work in the lab and get this project done but it's closed now so we went to bed at 4 last night and we're up at 745 going to class at 8 for our long day (and that means we've got class til 10) and somewhere in there we squeeze in 20+ hours a week to pay the outrageous cost of tuition so that we can get ourselves an education AND still find time to hang out with a few friends so that we can keep our sanity and maintain SOME happiness between asshole profs, shitty coworkers, big tests, dumb/lazy class mates and outrageous amounts of homework.

Sorry. jsut a little rant. I found out that one of my teachers basically decided that I was a lazy ass and not doing enough work and decided that I didn't really do the research like he wanted (but he never helped me like he was supposed to) SOO I got a B b/c he didn't think my research project was good enough and thinks I was being lazy and says I didn't do some of my work and did shitty on the final (for which I was severly doped so I could fuking get there at all!!!) And says he won't change the grade - especially since I kept 'bothering' him with internship related questions (which he didn't say but was in his tone of voice ~~ gee sorry I was using my available resources!) ARGhUH! He says that we should be treating each class like a full time job - that's 40 hours a week. But let's do a little math here:

there are 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. that's a total of 168 hrs.
You are supposed to sleep 8 hours a day but I really only get 7. that's 56 hrs a week.
SOO after sleep I have 112 available hours for class and work.
the traditional time says 3 hours out of class for every hour in class (extra for labs).
I was taking 5 classes (15 credits) - 4 were lab classes I spent about 22-26 hrs in class soo lets say 24 hours in class per week.
For traditional time I would be spending 72 out of class on school work plus class time is 96.
that means that I have 16 hours left in a week to get groceries, eat, shower, go to the bathroom and work to pay for school. SO that's 2.28 hours a day which is only 1 hr & 20 min to work, do errands, get groceries after eating and showering. Did I mention that I need to work 20 hours just to stay a float? Cuz I do.
Even keeping with traditional time alottment is not feesible.

So his way (treating each class as a fulltime job) is completely ridiculous because that would take 200 hours and there are only 168 hours in a week. ARGH! I hate assholes.

anyways - I think the little system is working and soo far today I have been mildly productive - 1 email and 1 phone call sooo yeah.

I had a great time with Cindy and Phil last night being a bum and I can't wait for Jesse to come today! wooo! I've got an ok dinner picked out and bc of my new little system the dishes are actually ready to use! LOL. anyhow -- I'll see if I can do anything else midly constructive...

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