Apr 01, 2023 21:09
Hi! Just posting as an update for both friends and those who are looking for these videos.
I do have uploaded the episodes from beginning to current. However, since I am busy I could not complete them all on a regular basis :))
I do not have the first 2 special episodes (the episodes before VnS was regularized).
There are also about 3 episodes that I do not have the sources so I was not able to upload them. There are about 9 episodes that still needs converting and uploading.
Though current ones are already uploaded lol
I have also updated the link for the masterpost which leads to the folder where all the videos are uploaded (Terabox) so I will not be posting anymore single entries here, but you can check the masterpost in my Intro instead.
That's all! Btw, Value no Shinjitsu already reached 52 episode! Yay! ^^