May 24, 2010 11:18
Hey ho ! it's an update. Reading "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" partly because I found the advice in happiest baby invaluable, and partly to help me in my babysitting of slightly older children. I think it will be good practice, and help me polish some of the elements that I have tried in the past but didn't realize. In particular the affirmation of emotion and a way ti do that toddlers will understand.
Cooking has been both a joy and frustration , since finding one thing I wanted to make out of the dozens of cookbooks can be a problem. I think I have a solution , but we'll see.
I'm really liking the food from Blue Ribbon. So far I have made a chicken and a couple of steaks, all of which have been terrific. Keeping house is another matter, but not an impossible one. This afternoon it's the bathroom and then laundry laundry laundry.