Lots of...good news

Oct 04, 2005 20:30

I don't know what I said the last time I updated but here's what's happened in the past few days...hours...minutes...seconds...

One: I have a date on Thursday. w00t!!! Movie and dinner with...Sarah. Yes...I...for once am going on a date with someone local. Amazing no?

Two: I am apparently "the shit" for making all three of the computers in the house be online at the same time. Apparently there was an IP confliction and all I really did was call tech support and fixed it. But anyway...makes me feel useful.

Three: Class is going pretty well. I'm finally doing something instead of just reading pages of info about stuff I already know. Though I do have some other reading that I better get done on the stuff I don't know. Yes I admit it...I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING!

Four: I have a date on Thursday.

Five: Coeur d'Alene is gorgeous right now. I went there on Saturday with Evan, who by the way...is awesome. He's the one other newby in class who knows something about this field. I may have said that before. But anyway. He and I have hung out a lot. I get to house sit and take care of his ferret when he goes out of town later this month. Cute little ferret.

Six: My brother...apparently...has a girlfriend. Actually I think that's fine since I did meet the girl before I left for school.

Seven: I got an extra paycheck for some reason. I thought I'd gotten my last paycheck but then when I called the office just to say 'hey' they said I had another check. Fine with me. I could always use a little extra money.

Eight: I have a DATE!! We actually hung out for like 5 hours on Friday night with a couple of her friends. 9pm until 2am Saturday. It was fun. And..she works at Safeway. It's not the Safeway that's nearest to me but guess who's going to start going to a different Safeway? lol. Well, I will be if the date on Thursday goes well.

Nine: I worked out yesterday for the first time in 8-9 months. My upper body muscles hurt. Damn. Feels good though. I can still move...mostly.

Ok...is that enough of an update? Good. Because I am going to stop babbling. G'night.
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