I've been sitting and writing a really long Austin post when I came to the realization that I really didn't want to finish writing it down. I was turning it to some story when it was just a few days of a wonderful time with family I rarely get to see. My cousin Jason, though, and his wife Debbie, are complete nerds like myself. I LOVED it. I had made an iPod holder for my iPod in the shape of the Tardis (pictures to come soon) and while I was digging in my purse one evening, I laughed and said to Jason, "Wait, you love Doctor Who, look at this" and showed it to him. He laughed hysterically and said, "You're a geek like me!" Gotta love it. That and I sat next to a drunk on the way home from Salt Lake City. First thing he said to me was "Where do you party at?" It was slurred and he kept asking questions like that all night. I found it completely annoying. Of course that was the funny flight, though, with the super cool stewardess who told us it was her birthday and we all sang to her, and both Gabriel and the passenger behind me bonding over the rubix cubes they had and another older passenger (who was so cool that he was watching movies on his touch iPod/iPhone (couldn't tell) that solved Gabriel's rubix cube for him. Well, to cut the guy some slack, the stewardess teased the man and told him the whole plane wasn't getting their drinks and snack till he solved it. I think that's why I just love coming home. People here in Bakersfield live here for a purpose. They're just good people and we all were just so happy to go home.
Tonight I'm heading out with
Sarah and I think my cousin Kari to go to the midnight release party at Russo's for Breaking Dawn so we can get it at midnight. Then I'll be reading it all weekend. I'm kind of on a mission that I finish it at least before Monday to D, who said I wouldn't get it to him before then.
Have I mentioned Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? Yeah, kinda LOVED it. I watched the first two acts on the way to Austin, but the third act I had to wait till I got back to watch (it came out the day I left). Joss Whedon is so bloody brilliant. Neil Patrick Harris was surprisingly fantastic and Nathan Fillion! was genius.
Went over to Keri and Barbara's last night for a candle party. They make soy candles and DAMN do they smell good! Right now I'm burning the banana coconut, and I also bought birthday cake and got a free sample in apple maple bourbon. I think when these are out I'm going to get the Monkey farts. Yes, Monkey farts. It smelled AWESOME. Tristan is turning into the cutest kid EVER. He has the chubbest chub cheeks that you just want to pinch and he's a crawling fiend.
What else...OH. Jane Austen fans will love the new BBC versions of Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility. Edward doesn't look like a daft cow in S&S (::coughnothughgrantthankgod::) and Willoughby is played by the actor who is Sky in Mamma Mia! (Which by the way, LOVED!). Also true about Mamma Mia? Pierce Brosnon can't sing worth shit---but it's still fun to watch. Saw Dark Knight twice, once in Austin and once here with Sarah. The
Alamo Drafthouse is fucking AWESOME in Austin. I wish we had one like it here.
Nothing else really exciting. Holly might be moving back home, which would be nice. I miss little Pirate like crazy. Okay, maybe I miss her a little, too.
And I need to do something with Charlie in Dust. Any takers?