Summertime, and the livin' is easy

Jul 11, 2014 11:01

Bored. Bored, bored, bored. I have so much to do in terms of work and fic and running and quilting that I don't want to do any of it. As an aside, I've noticed that I can be disciplined about any two of those four things at once: I did great churning out the fic this spring, but now I'm burned out on it. I've been better about running more often ( Read more... )

maaaaps, personal, 52 weeks

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Comments 10

dugindeep July 11 2014, 16:15:08 UTC
You're such an adorable mapgeek ;-)

My brother watched some show that was about how the state lines were drawn and it was kind of like with congressional districts where some of it was purely coincidental with space and much of it was overly political.


zubeneschamali July 12 2014, 13:54:30 UTC

My parents have seen that show, or at least read the book. It sounded really interesting!


freya922 July 11 2014, 19:29:51 UTC
I love maps, too, and I totally understand what you mean about fantasy novels: they just gotta have one. When "Game of Thrones" first aired on HBO I was so freakin' over the moon that they began with the MAP!

I'm on an academic calendar, too, and trying SO hard to get ahead this summer, but JEEZ, I'm also fried and need a few days to just NOT do stuff, if you know what I mean. I'm a bit depressed, really, because I already feel that my days to just be are over. There is so much stacked up to do at work...and the only way I'll survive fall and spring is to get ahead now.

Still... Just want to read fanfic. And write a little, too. LOL.


zubeneschamali July 12 2014, 13:55:42 UTC
I think that thrilled me about GoT at the start, too!

I know, it feels like summer is over already and as usual, my massive to-do list is not even a third of the way done. *sigh* But hang in there!


an_cat_dubh July 11 2014, 19:56:14 UTC
Maps are so interesting. A must in fantasy novels as I'm always referencing them when reading the books. It absolutely endears me to a book more if they have one.

I also had a huge map of Ireland that I hung on my wall, I still have it, alas I don't have the wall space for it.


zubeneschamali July 12 2014, 13:56:29 UTC
I suppose that's because fantasy stories so often involve a journey? I wonder why it is that we insist that genre have a map but not not others.


cherie_morte July 12 2014, 02:27:19 UTC
I looove maps so much. I have always loved maps sooo much. But I will grant you that you probably love them more than I do. XD STILL. I AGREE WITH ALL THE POINTS ABOVE. I think it's so interesting to read maps for their biases since people take them as fact.

Also, that assignment is gr8 your dad is baller.


zubeneschamali July 12 2014, 13:58:05 UTC
Probably. ;) One of the first things I did when I learned how to use GIS to make maps on the computer was to plot out the location of all of the X-Files episodes, including my best guesses as to the made-up towns like Syzygy. /o\

But OMG, I love your icon.


galwithglasses July 12 2014, 04:24:02 UTC
Maps are the best. We have a huge USGS map of the spot I grew up at on our kitchen wall and another with a sketched added of a Coast Guard icebreaker that foundered and then sank there. I had a map of Narnia on my wall the until I left for college. I loved orienteering as a kid too. I can't remember the name of it now but there's a website where they post really unique maps with explanations. I never really thought much about how much meaning there is in a map until I started looking at the site. Really fascinating stuff.


zubeneschamali July 12 2014, 14:00:31 UTC
Cool! We had a topographic map of Glacier National Park on the wall in the back room, by the telephone, and I would look at it while having phone conversations. I swear I memorized almost every line. :)


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