Legs.... falling... off....

Nov 01, 2007 23:57

So my dad got into biking and has been going every other day for a month or two now. I figured I'd get some exercise and join him on a ride a couple of days ago. We went up to this bike path near Nashport that goes all of the way to Newark. Needless to say, I couldn't walk very well the following day. It ended up being about 23 miles which normally wouldn't be too bad but having not really done any leg exercise for WELL over a month... yeah. We also have Trek mountain bikes which aren't exactly for road rides. It prolly would've been a cakewalk on a road bike but my thighs were burning muchly. So today he asked if I wanted to go down to Zane Landing for another ride. Me, not feeling too sore, said yes, and immediately regretted it after about 5 miles. I wasn't fully recovered and I was right back to burning legs... all in all, it wouldn't be as bad if it weren't getting into the low 50s but oh well. I had fun and it feels good to be exercising regularly again.

Josh checked out Guitar Hero III for me so I could try out the songs on it. We completed the co-op mode which was pretty fun. The songs are definitely a lot harder than the second installment. Not sure I liked the songlist as much but the list for GH2 didn't grow on me until I had played them all a few times. All in all, pretty fun... I always liked Guitar Hero. I just had him check out the Naruto game that came out for 360 and it's actually pretty badass. I've watched some of the Naruto here and there before [adult swim] comes on and the game story goes right along with it... awesome graphics, RPG feel w/ fighting game mixed in. Not bad for a game that nobody will buy because they perceive it as a kid's game (even tho it's a "T" rating) Speaking of anime: I've started watching a little bit here and there. I've watched [adult swim] for years now and always turned it off when the anime started but I caught some of the pilots when the series started over recently and it's pretty interesting. If anyone knows me, they know that in my games, books, movies... whatever... I have to have a good story and interesting characters to follow else I get bored. That sounds like a "no shit" statement but for example... when Halo 1 came out, I thought the storyline was ass but it had good gameplay. Everyone saw it as the god of all games but I got bored of it rather quickly. Now the second and third installments had a lot more story and the characters were more involved, thus, I liked them more. Anyways, back to the point, I've been watching Bleach and Blood+ and enjoying it so far.

and this song is completely badass... for fans of Super Troopers that is ;)
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