Movie # 10: Sunshine Cleaning

Jan 13, 2010 13:02

In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school, a mom starts an unusual business -- a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service -- with her unreliable sister.

Director: Christine Jeffs
Starring: Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Steve Zahn

After seeing Amy Adams in only romcom type of movies where her character is quirky, happy and a clear portrayal of the image she has, Sunshine Cleaning was refreshing. I definitely think she is a great actress now (not that I didn't think so before, I just hadn't seen her range).

Emily Blunt surprised me, this is the first movie I have actually seen her in since I don't remember her in The Devil Wears Prada. I might have to check out Young Victoria now.

Now the movie was cute, struggling sisters that basically are tied together by their love of their dead mother. One peaked in life at high school, the other one lost and sad and how they try to overcome all of this.

While I think everyone gave a really good performance, the movie just fades in your mind. By the time I woke up I noticed I barely remembered what happened, and could only recall the pretty kitten and how mad I was at Steve Zahn's character.

actor!steve zahn, actress!emily blunt, actress!amy adams, movie, director!christine jeffs, sunshine cleaning

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