So whats with the above image? Well during one of the few down moments at Stumptown I mentioned to Sarah that I was planning to get another tattoo. Her reaction I thought was very interesting as most people either ask what your planning to get or tell you it will hurt alot and you shouldn't do it but Sarah's view is you shouldn't get tattoos as it means you can never be a spy! This did get me wondering what exactly Mrs. McIntyre is hiding. Time spent in Russia, American living in the Capital of the UK this whole ubber talented childrens book artist thing all just a cover?
In a show of utter laziness I shall be linking to other peoples recaps for this years MoCCA and Stumptown shows mainly because I didn't bring a camera and even if I had I've proven time and again that I'm pretty useless when it comes to taking photos. I've also not had much of a chance to read any of the amazing books I picked up due to a combination of jet lag and catching up with work. Both shows were really enjoyable - I sold better at MoCCA but I think I enjoyed the west coast more as it felt like more of a break then New York [having lived there I find it hard to play tourist when I go back] and while it had been a year since I saw any of my New York friends it had been 2 and in some cases 3+ years since I'd seen some of my West Coast friends. I got some really great comics, most as trades which was nice as last year seemed to be an off year for trades. I got a load of prints after vowing not to get any and not enough t-shirts which proved an issue as I hadn't packed enough clothes. I flew South West which is nothing like Ryanair so Americans stop saying it is, ate very very very well and splurged on a new iPad 2 for myself. Big thanks to Sarah, Ellen, Darryl and Accent UK for being great company!
You can find photos, video, and comments at
the Accent UK blog which also has a link to Dave's own write up of their trip. Ellen Linder's
great recap for both events, Sarah's
MoCCA write up and
Stumptown write up with includes video [there's a great shot of my boob about 30 seconds into one and finally Jen Vaughn's lovely
Stumptown write up has a nice shot of us and our jam packed table...I traded comics with Jen and so far they are the only ones I've had a chance to read...she did a comic about Mooncups that I've been thinking someone should do - if your a lady and don't know what a Mooncup is google is your friend and you should go take a look!