My Camping Trip (Matt__ Gone Wild!)

Mar 24, 2005 13:46

So, as many of you know, I left on this past monday to sarrasota to go camping with my mom, dad, sister, felix, and drigo.
As you may also know, I HATE LJCUTS. But this time, Im forced to use it, cause I have 60+ pictures to post @_@.
so, heres my trip: CLICK or DIE!!@#!@

Me and Drigo packing up the car =)

there was alot to pack =O

really though, ALOT to pack X_X

Me and felix

So yeah, on the way up everybody fell asleep on eachother

except for me XD, but I got really bored =/

not a bad picture of me =P

then we tried to build our tent when we got there

chelsea got antsy and tried to climb in the tent before it was done

it toook us a while to do the tent

then felix and I tried to build a fire

My dad- the lord of the flames

chelsea joined in

I got lazy and sat down

we all enjoyed the fire as you can see:

then we made these bad ass burgers!

then we roasted marshmallows with these dikes next to our camp X_X

Then I took really pretty pictures of the fire, these are my two favorite:

then we sat and talked with these cool american kids

then we went inside the tent to go to sleep
(eew Im sweaty)

drigo, (look at my face in these pictures)

what the eff?!

felix tried to climb a tree

then we built a rock slingshot thing on these trees

then we went to the lake got on kayaks and almost got sucked into the propellor of this thing

diana is awesome

more kayaks and canoes

da balceros

after we got back from kayaking, we found an alligator sunbathing

note the gator behind us

felix and chelsea

then we checked out, left and on our way out we saw these crazy ass people with huge cameras that had orgasm lenses

apparantly they were taking a picture of this bird called a Lipkin or something like that..guess it was rare, but I sangged a pretty decent picture of it before we left

I guess that bird was alright, well kids
Im tired from putting all these effin pics up

so thats all for this entry

p.s.she's so awesome

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