Sep 03, 2008 23:35
The GOP has delivered an extremely well-crafted evening.
They looked at what the Democrats brought to the table... beautiful staging, massive crowds, celebrities, videos, killer music, and delivered the exact opposite. Small stage, single screen projection, in the center of the room. Simple speaker support. No music. No video. Pure genius.
They delivered a message that works. Palin's speech skewered Obama's tax plan very effectively, and accurately. It attacked criticism of Alaskan drilling head-on, and convincingly. And the performance was eloquent. Palin showed that she can deliver a better speech than Joe Biden.
The entire production was designed to push Obama further into the elitist-celebrity camp, and it worked. The Democrats must now respond very carefully, but without the bitter tone that they've now been pigeonholed into.
I fear that Democrats are too dismissive. They scream about the GOP's pandering exaggerations, but without acknowledging their own.
The Democrats must open their eyes and acknowledge their shortcomings before the rest of the country does, or they will be in real trouble in November.