Jul 22, 2011 16:04
So Tuesday morning I am awakened by the sound of Beth being REALLY pissed off and dishes being flung into the sink. I ask Bryon what was going on and he says his mom was mad because he changed the channel from the news (that Beth was watching) to his cartoons without asking if she was finished with the TV.
Seem like overreacting? Turns out he was also eating in den without permission (again) which in itself isn't a huge deal if it weren't for the fact that Bryon manages to spill something nearly every instance he does. Thus leads to my conversation with Stephen later:
Steve: Did you hear Beth and Bryon this morning?
Me: I could hear that Beth was upset, but didn't hear what she said.
Steve: Well, [fills me in on the events]. She asked him to move out.
Me :[panicking just a smidge] ...oh. (Why didn't he tell me that this morning?)
Steve: Well, we'll see how that plays out later tonight. [leaves the house]
Me: ...I guess so.
So I start forming a plan. If they want Bryon to leave, then they might want me to leave. But I don't want to live with him. But Bryon can't live on his own. Maybe I can't even live on my own. But if we lived together, I won't do it as a couple. No way, I'm so over that. I started to think about scenerios and what I could do. Be out by the end of the month? No way, that gives me 11 days. The end of August? That could work. I could only take so much action without talking to Bryon, but at least I had some ideas to bounce off him.
The evening passes by and the subject doesn't come up once. I ask Bryon that evening why he neglected to mention anything to me, and he responds by saying he felt his mother was speaking out of frustration.
So I told him that while I feel you generally shouldn't sweat the small stuff, the small stuff can turn into the big stuff, and then you can't ignore it. While during this instance it passed as nothing, I warned him that someday, his mother won't be joking, and then what will he do? I finished the conversation by telling him I hope it was serious wake-up call and that he better get his act together before all shit hits the fan.
I have more to talk about but it can wait until later.