Apr 24, 2012 15:45
Recently, my son's Kindergarten (private) accepted a new student who has severe ADHD/ADD and Autism. The first day at the school was pretty rough and quite a few kids went home and told their parents about the problems (throwing stuff, temper tantrums, etc.). Since then, the child has had their medication adjusted and is doing tons better.
But that doesn't matter, some of these parents want the child kicked out of the school. They have been saying ugly things on Facebook and to each other about this child. (do you see that last word there? CHILD. They have started a smear campaign about a CHILD!)
This evening, I sent an email to the director of Ben's school. Here it is:
I wanted to share with you that I talked today with Miss L. about the new child in Ben's class.
My husband and I fully support having this child in the classroom. We have talked to Ben about special needs children and told him flat-out that he will not call his new classmate names or be cruel--because that is not acceptable behavior. And we reminded him that it's his job (especially as a future knight!) to defend his classmate if needed (as in, to tell his friends to stop being mean).
We think it's absolutely wonderful that our child be around differently-abled children--this is how he learns understanding and compassion, after all. We were appalled to hear that some of the parents wanted the child removed from the classroom. My jaw almost hit the floor.
So here are two parents, Miss G, who will loudly stand up and defend that child's right to be in your Kindergarten. I believe in you and Miss L--if Miss L says she can handle the child, then I believe she can. Because she's that super.
If I can do anything to help, please let me know.