Game: Rudora No Hihou

Jul 15, 2006 08:43

Game type: RPG
Battle system: Turn-based (No time)
Platform: Super Nintendo Enertainment System (snes)
ROM Link: Rom Hustler
Requested by: barisaxgirljen
Credit for recommendation: justinhayabusa

I know I'm going to say a lot of games are the sex. And when I say, I mean it. This game features different story lines that twist all the way into each other. Not to mention the plot line is great. It's RPG turn-base without time limits. It's just total turn, like Final Fantasy I. When you start out, you can pick from one of three plot lines that each have a different chracter. Basically, every 4,000 years or so, the human race is destroyed and restarted by something you have to stop. Sound exciting? STFU. It is exciting. And not only does each plot line twist together, but if you leave something in one plot line, and then finish it and start the other, you'll find the same object right where you left it. Freeeakay. So after you finish all three story lines, you're given the fourth and final one to complete.

Sadly, the game was released in Japan by Squaresoft in 1996. About this time, they were gearing up with the new systems and never bothered getting around to translating it or even making a sequel on another system in English. Fortunately, the game has been through what we would like to call "Fan Translation" and available to download. The game itself, translated into English, is Treasure of the Rudras. The snes rom is available at this LINK. Don't worry about English patches. When you download the .zip file, it basically comes in multiple languages thanks to "fan translations". The English version goes by the name "Rudora no Hihou (J) [T-Eng.99b1 AGTB].smc"

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