Mar 30, 2004 13:48 is my monday, back to bed is miffed that I'm not in it.
So today on my way to work, I was walking by this run down house and seeing how I had a few minutes to spare, I decided to investigate. As I was climbing the rickety stairs I thought I caught a glimpse of a pale face staring down at me from one of the many broken windows. I dismissed the hallucination due to the 5 tabs of LSD that were tearing apart the very fabric of my flimsy reality. As I reached for the hit me, there was NO doorknob. As I stood there in mid-reach for a good 15-20 minutes contemplating the absence of said doorknob several people on the sidewalk had gathered. I could feel their eyes boring into the back of my head. I turned in slow motion to address the mob...
to be continued...