Title: A Gumshoe Chronicle
zsazsa4168Characters/Pairings: Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, Martha Jones/Tom Milligan, Toshiko Sato
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Word Count: 17,855
Beta: The Oh-So-Fabulous
madaboutks. So much of what works in this story is thanks to her insight and attention to details great and small. I heart her big time.
Artwork: By the Also-Oh-So-Fabulous
laisy . Visit her journal
here and tell her how fabulous it is!
Disclaimer: I disclaim the intelligence of anyone who needs this notice to figure out what’s really going on here.
Summary: AU: Jack and Ianto are private detectives, investigating the disappearance of a wealthy businessman. All is not as it seems in this case that involves infidelity, the mob and murder. Written for Torchwood Big Bang Round Two.
A/N 1: This story is written in the style of the hard-boiled American crime fiction of the early 20th century, except there’s a certain amount of Janto fluff. I call it “fluff noir.” This is the sequel to The Darian Con.
A/N 2: The germ of an idea for this story came from this
New York Times Op-Ed about towns in southern Italy where African immigrants are the only ones standing up to the mafia.
There’s no way my humble fic is a fitting tribute to their courage and sacrifice, but I did want to make note.
The Gumshoe Chronicle is