Love: I love
lissannej. So very much :) I got a package from her yesterday and it contained a journal with one of my favorite quotes, the one by Mary Anne Radmacher on my user page. The front of it even looks like an enlarged replica of the magnet that I bought with it when Liss and I were in Canada. So thoughtful of her to remember and it made me tear up a bit.
Hate: I hate Borders. Hate. Since they've started their Borders Rewards program, they keep enticing me with 25% off coupons for everything. And then when I use the coupons, I get more. They won't be happy until I'm there every frickin' week. I've been there twice in the past week and once at Waldenbooks at the Mall, and as a result, I have two more 25% off coupons AND a 15% off coupon for doing a phone survey. Then yesterday, I got an email that I've got my own shoppping day coming up on which I will get an additional 10% off for the whole day. I can't stop shopping at Borders!
Sickness: Both kids are sick. They were each kind of lethargic and tired yesterday and this morning B woke up with a fever and Baby J developed one late this afternoon. Of course, I wasn't too surprised because B actually napped yesterday after her playdate left. B never naps. Ever. Hopefully they'll get over it quickly and they will each sleep through the night. I've actually been really lucky with Baby J. Other than his jaundice at birth, the only times he's been to the doctor have been for his well checkups, and I'm surprised because his sister goes to school and they generally bring the germs home. B has also only had a cold/cough once or twice this year, so we've been pretty fortunate healthwise in the house. Of course, It's never easy to see your kids sick and when they're both ill at the same time, it breaks your heart because you want to cuddle both of them while keeping them from sharing their germs even more.
Idea: After opening up the journal, I started getting an idea. I am pretty shitty at updating written journals, but I'm much better at updating my online one. Technology changes and websites go away, but paper remains. So I think what I'm going to do is whenever I make a post that embodies the ethos of the Radmacher quote, I'm going to print it out and paste it in the journal. Has anyone else done anything like this, making a journal-scrapbook out of their online journal entries?
Am off to read now. I've discovered a new author I'm really enjoying, so now I'll have her books to hunt down and buy. At least I've got a use for all my new coupons ;)