On the 10th of July 1916 my Great Grandfather died. Lance Sarjeant Edward H Evennett died on the tenth day of the first Somme offensive. Part of my history lies in Northern France.
I’ve been made redundant again, but this time it’s a good thing. It means I’m being paid to sit on my arse and not do very much, until the end of the month when I start a new job. This new job is just down the road from me and I’m getting more money but no car. Which means I get to buy a new car, or it would do if the capitalist scum banks would lend me any money, the swines. No, I’m going to have to go Contract Hire, which means I can get a better car than I could ever afford because I’m only leasing it so whereas I was looking at a second hand golf or something similar now I can look at a new 1 series. Anyway, digressed.
All this time sitting about trawling eBay and Wiki and playing Internet Reversi to kill some time has been worthwhile for a change.
Every once in a while when my family get together and we discuss the past, my Dad will pull out a little box with some medals in it. These three in fact.
I’ve held these medals several times and read the inscriptions but never thought any more of them. Of course I have relatives who died in the Great War, everyone does. I never considered that he'd be buried somewhere, with a headstone and a record. I assumed he'd be another unknown soldier minced on some distant field. But boredom + internet = tappa tappa tappa. And hey presto I know
the cemetery he's buried in and
the actual grave. There's even a
short video clip of the place. Isn't the internet super. Henry Cooper infact. I need to know more though.
What else is new you ask. How the devil are you you dashing young spark. Is that a new top? Well thank you yes it is a new top. What news do I have to report? Hmmm.
Nothing much. Ta ta.
Ah except Morrissey and Eurovision..... Madness.