Nov 23, 2007 22:26
Spent most of yesterday trying to figure to how to maintain a GTD workflow process just using plain text files and the bash shell -- while Fan juggled the kids and cooked for Thanksgiving.
I wanted to help her but I was "in the zone"; a geek with a problem to solve. Unfortunately I fought all day and finally had to give up around 0100 am, slept for a few hours, then got up to go the the stores to shop around 0415 am.
Made it to the stores in plenty of time -- got some cute stuff for the girls.
Then I came home to square-off again with my enemy from the day before. Ah-hah. Take that, I got the scripts working but then started chasing another rabbit about how to send email to my mac, make the computer run a script, to do stuff -- so once again, another problem to solve.
Which I just did (solve). Not that I don't want to play with my kids ... but ... it's just that when I have holidays this is what I want to do since I never feel like I have much time as it is and it was cold out today. (And when I teach myself this stuff, I'm usually able to use it at work to good advantage.)
p.s. I nearly set the yard on fire today. I really shouldn't be allowed near matches.